
2015年05月07日14:01  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     

  All that time spent on your Game Boy might actually have been worth something。你花费在掌上游戏机的所有时间可能真的有点价值。

  A new video from BrainCraft, an educational show from PBS Digital studios, explains what "Tetris" does to your brain -- and a lot of it is good news. 心拓英启公司公布的一段来自PBS数码工作室的教育类节目视频,解释了俄罗斯方块能对你的大脑造成什么影响,大部分都是对你有好处的。

  According to the video, studies have shown that playing enough "Tetris" (think 1.5 hours a week for three months) can .。。视频显示已经有研究表明玩俄罗斯方块的时间足够长(一周1.5小时,持续三个月),能够…

  • Make parts of your cerebral cortex thicker。使部分大脑皮层变厚。

  • Make other areas of your brain more efficient。提高大脑其他区域的效率。

  • Reduce flashbacks for people with post-traumatic stress disorder。减少患创伤后应激障碍的人记忆闪回的次数。

  Of course, this all comes with some caveats. The video explains that doing any task for three months could potentially change your brain structure。当然,也要提醒一下,这段视频解释说持续做任何事情三个月都有可能改变大脑结构。

  What makes "Tetris" so addictive, the video explains, is that it "appeals to our natural desire to organize things, complete tasks and achieve goals." The game gives you a constant stream of "incomplete tasks" -- there's always a new block to consider and place in the game, which keeps your brain hooked。视频也解释了我们对俄罗斯方块如此上瘾是因为它激起了我们组织事情、完成任务和达到目标的本能欲望。这个游戏源源不断地给你未完成的任务——在游戏里你总要考虑新的方块要放在哪里,这就使你的大脑着迷了。

  Of course, no two people are the same, and "Tetris" impacts everyone differently。当然,没有完全相同的两个人,俄罗斯方块对每个人的影响也不尽相同。

  "Tetris" has long fascinated scientists. A 2009 study from the Mind Research Network examined the impact of the game on the human brain, and in 2000, researchers at Harvard Medical School found that it can change how people dream. Others have written about how the game can be habit-forming and change how we think about the world around us -- a notion that's now referred to as the "Tetris effect."科学家很久前就开始对俄罗斯方块感兴趣。一项2009年来自精神研究组织的研究测试了这个游戏对人类大脑的影响。2000年,哈佛医学院的研究者发现它可以改变人们做梦的方式。其他人也记录过这个游戏怎样使人上瘾,并改变人们对周围世界的看法——现在被称为“俄罗斯方块效应”。


文章关键词: 双语俄罗斯方块

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