有爱猩猩当保姆 照顾超萌小老虎(双语)

2015年05月19日11:51  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     
有爱猩猩当保姆 照顾超萌小老虎(双语)有爱猩猩当保姆 照顾超萌小老虎(双语)

  Love knows no bounds -- even across species, apparently。爱没有界限,显然也不分种族。

  In this incredible viral video, watch as an orangutan is seen playing and tussling with a group of tiger cubs。在这段在网络上被疯传的视频里,一只猩猩正在和一群小老虎一起玩耍,推推嚷嚷。

  There’s also footage of the great ape embracing the tigers, and even bottle-feeding one of them。其中一个片段里,这只猩猩还抱着其中一只小老虎,用奶瓶给它喂奶。

有爱猩猩当保姆 照顾超萌小老虎(双语)有爱猩猩当保姆 照顾超萌小老虎(双语)

  The video of the “babysitting” orangutan is said to have been shot at Myrtle Beach Safari in South Carolina. The clip was filmed by the Discovery Family channel for the show "My Dog's Crazy Animal Friends."这只“保姆”猩猩的视频是在美国南卡罗来纳州的莫特尔沙滩野生动物保护区拍摄的,是探索家庭频道为《我家狗狗的疯狂动物朋友》节目拍的。

  According to Discovery Family, the male orangutan took on the role of caretaker after observing the humans at the safari caring for the big cats. The “orangutan finds great pleasure in the little tigers and can be found playing with them almost every day,” per the video。“探索家庭”说,在看到保护区里的人照顾这些大花猫之后,这只雄猩猩就开始当上保姆了。视频里说:“这只猩猩和小老虎一起很开心,它们几乎每天都在一起玩。”

  This isn’t the first time that orangutans and tigers have become pals. In 2007, CBS News reported that a couple of newborn Sumatran tigers had become BFFs with a set of young orangutans at an Indonesian zoo。猩猩和老虎不是第一次成为朋友了。2007年CBS新闻曾报道过,在印尼的一个动物园里,两只刚出生的苏门达腊虎和一群年轻的猩猩成了死党。


文章关键词: 双语猩猩小老虎

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