Britain's children are being poisonedby a "junk culture"of processed food, computer games andover-competitive education, an influential group of children'sauthors and experts warned。
In an open letter to The DailyTelegraph, 110 teachers, psychologists and children's authorsincluding the internationally acclaimed author Philip Pullman1 andPenelope Leach, a leading childcare expert--called on thegovernment to act now to prevent childhood being killed offaltogether。
在致《每日电讯报》的一封公开信中,110名教师、心理学家和儿童作家——包括世界闻名的作家菲利普• 普尔曼以及顶级儿童保育专家佩内洛普•利奇——呼吁政府马上采取行动,阻止“垃圾文化”把孩子们的童年完全毁掉。
Forced "to act and dress likemini-adults," children are becoming increasingly depressed andexperiencing escalating levels of behavioral and developmentalproblems, they said。
Since children's brains are stilldeveloping, they cannot adjust as full-grown adults can, to theeffects of ever more rapid technological and cultural change," theletter said。
信中说道:“由于孩子们的大脑仍处在发育阶段,所以面对日新月异的科技、文化带来的影响,他们无法像成人那样去调整自己。"They needwhat developing human beings have always needed, including realfood (as opposed to processed "junk"), real play (as opposed tosedentary, screen based entertainment), first hand experience ofthe world they live in and regular interaction with the real-lifesignificant adults in their lives。
The experts condemned Britain'sincreasingly "target-driven" education system and urged thegovernment to recognize children's need for more time and space todevelop。
专家们指责英国愈演愈烈的“目标导向”的教育体系,督促政府认识到儿童需要更多的时间与空间去发展自我。 分享: