
2015年06月04日09:56  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     

  We read for information, with the hope that information we acquire will improve our minds, giving us the means to improve our lives. In the modern Age of Information, more reading material is available than ever, making it increasingly difficult to allocate our reading time efficiently。我们阅读是为了求得信息,希望所获取的资讯可以充实大脑、改善生活。现代信息时代比以往有更多的阅读资源,因而有效分配阅读时间也愈加困难。

  To read prodigiously and to read profitably are two very different things. Time spent reading books that cultivate intelligence and wisdom is a labor that yields continuous benefit over a lifetime。大量读书和有效读书完全是两码事。花时间读开发智力、增进智慧的书籍固然辛苦,但却细水长流、终生有益。


  1. Science科学

  Science is not restricted

  to scientific text books. It includes all books that increase our understanding of the natural world. The great value of these books comes from the development of curiosity and the methods of learning。科学类书籍不仅仅局限于科学教科书,而是一切能增进我们对于自然世界了解的书籍。这些书籍的伟大价值在于其促进读者的好奇心、培养学习方法。

  Scientific books teach us how to investigate our intuition and validate it with evidence. They also inspire wonder and respect for the physical world and for our own intellect。科学类书籍教我们如何洞悉直觉并加以论证。科学类书籍也同样激起我们对物质世界的好奇、引发对自身思维能力的敬重。

  2. Philosophy哲学

  In ancient times, science and philosophy grew from the seed of analytical thought. If science teaches us to understand the outside world, philosophy teaches us to understand ourselves. Philosophy will increase your understanding of human needs and desires.It could very well be called the science of human life。在古时候,科学和哲学都来自于分析思维。如果说科学教我们认识外部世界,那么哲学教我们认识自己。哲学可以增进你对人类需求和欲望的理解,完全可以称之为人类生活的科学。

  3. Serious Fiction严肃文学

  Great works of fiction contain more truth than any other literary genre because they allow the reader to experience a new reality.Serious fiction also contains a great deal of philosophy, psychology, and history. 伟大的小说包含的真理比其他文学形式要多,因为小说允许读者去经历另一种现实。严肃小说包含大量哲理、心理学还有历史信息。

  Great fiction is also great language. Reading great language is the only way to become a better writer. It will also make you a better thinker, speaker, and conversationalist。伟大的小说用语也美。读美的语言是成为更优秀作者的唯一途径,美的语言也会让你更会思考、更会演讲、也更健谈。

  4. History历史

  History feels boring because as children it meant dull text books, memorizing dates, and tedious lectures. History is fascinating anecdotes, remarkable characters, and the evolution of ideas that have shaped civilization。说历史书无聊,是因为对孩子而言,历史意味着枯燥沉闷的教科书、死记硬背日期和冗长无聊的讲座。历史塑造了文明,是引人入胜的趣闻、辉煌杰出的人物和思想的演变。

  By learning about the past we are able to interpret our own times. We are able to recognize modern prejudices and the nature of humanity.History increases self understanding and awareness. It teaches us the timelessness of ideas and morality。通过了解过去,我们才得以诠释我们自己的时代,才能识破当今的偏见、认识人类的本性。历史促进自我了解和自我意识,历史教以我们思想和道义的永恒。

  5. Poetry诗歌

  The reading of great poetry produces a feeling that cannot be adequately described, a feeling of awe and reverence for the power of words。读好诗会产生一种难以名状的情感,即对文字力量的敬畏与尊重。

  Great poetry is the fusion of music and meaning. It is the medium of humanity’s most ancient masterpieces.Poetry sharpens language skills and develops eloquence. Meaning is only half of great language. The best authors write with a style that is both pleasurable and instructive. 好的诗歌融合了音乐和意蕴,是人类最为古老的杰作。诗歌可以磨砺语言技巧,增益文采。光有意蕴不足以证明语言的伟大,最好的诗人文风令人愉悦、富有教益。(沪江英语)

文章关键词: 提高IQ书籍

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