Mothers who have caesarean sections are more likely to haveoverweight babies compared with those who give birth naturally, sayscientists。
A preliminary study at Imperial College London, involving 62babies has revealed that those delivered by c-section have higherlevels of fat in their livers than those born naturally。
It has long been thought that labour can impact on the lungfunction and feeding instincts of newborns but now otherconsequences are being considered。
There has been a dramatic rise in women opting for theprocedure with some researchers claiming it is has risen by 250percent in the past 30 years。
Referring to the Imperial College trials, researcher ProfessorNeena Modi said: “We have preliminary data which suggests that keyprocesses within the liver and with the handling of fats isdistorted if you are a baby that has not been exposed to a normallabour。”
“We are pursuing the hypothesis that if you are not exposed tonormal labour then your normal metabolic development isdistorted。”
Modi added that caesarean could also affect the naturalbalance of hormones and enzymes。
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