
2015年07月03日11:12  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     
男子18年做23次手术终变超人 男子18年做23次手术终变超人
男子18年做23次手术终变超人 男子18年做23次手术终变超人
男子18年做23次手术终变超人 男子18年做23次手术终变超人

  Lots of us dreamed of being a superhero when we were young - but one man's gone a few steps further and transformed himself into the Man of Steel。我们年轻的时候都梦想过变成超级英雄——但是这个男人付诸了实践,真的把自己打造成了“超人钢铁之躯”。

  Herbert Chavez has undergone 23 surgeries at a cost of more than £4,400 to give himself the famous looks of Superman。赫伯特·查韦斯做了23次手术,花费了4400多英镑,终于让自己看上去长得像大名鼎鼎的超人了。

  Total Transformation: The 37-year-old even wears bright blue contacts over his own brown eyes for that authentic super gaze。这真是大变样。这位37岁的男子为了那逼真的英雄眼神,甚至为自己褐色瞳孔的眼睛带上亮蓝隐形。

  But although he's now as close as can be to Clark Kent, he's still not happy, and has been keen on more surgery - against doctors' advice。可虽然他现在与克拉克·肯特(超人的真名)的长相十分相近,他却仍未遂愿。他已热衷去做更多的整容手术,即便那样会违背医嘱。

  He has had nose jobs, liposuction, skin-whitening, fillers and jaw work over 18 years。在过去的十八年里,他隆鼻、抽脂、美白、注射填充剂,还动过下巴。

  Of his transformation, Herbert said: "What is there for me to regret?对于他的转变,赫伯特说道:“这儿还有什么让我感到后悔的呢?”

  "Everything that has happened in my life has been positive and because of Superman。“我生命中所遇的一切都因超人而积极可观。”

  "When my body says it can not endure it anymore or when my doctor says that my body can not handle it because of age, then I will stop."“当我的身体不能承受更多的手术或是医生告诉我因为年龄,我的身体还不能接受手术时,我便会停止。”

  "I like to show to the people, especially the children of the Philippines, that I’m here. Superman is real。“我喜欢向人们,尤其是菲律宾的小孩们,告诉他们我在这儿。超人是真实存在的。”

  "What I want is to give them inspiration. To give hope."“我想要的便是给他们激励,给予他们希望。”

  Herbert's also been in theGuinness Book of Records for three years for owning the world's largest Superman memorabilia collection which includes dolls, posters and jewellery.Herbert三年前还赢得了吉尼斯世界纪录,他拥有世上最大的超人纪念品收藏,其中包括玩偶,海报和珠宝。


文章关键词: 双语超人

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