企鹅不会游泳落水死命挣扎 愁煞饲养员(双语)

2015年07月17日11:18  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     
企鹅不会游泳落水死命挣扎 企鹅不会游泳落水死命挣扎
企鹅不会游泳落水死命挣扎 企鹅不会游泳落水死命挣扎

  This is Charlotte. She’s having a little bit of trouble right now thanks to a pretty big phobia of water。这是夏洛特。由于对于水的恐惧,她现在有些陷入了困境。

  In the wild penguins get used to the water quickly as it’s where their main source of food (fish, duh) comes from。在自然环境下,企鹅能够快速适应有水的生活,因为他们的主要食物(鱼——废话)来源就是那里。

  But Charlotte is used to having her food brought directly to her – sort of like a lady of leisure with webbed feet – because she’s lived at Birdland Park & Gardensin Gloucestershire since she hatched。但是夏洛特已经习惯了食物被直接送到她面前——有点像一位长着蹼足的悠闲的女士——因为自称她被孵化出来她就住在格罗斯特郡的Birdland Park & Gardens里。

  Normally, young penguins would learn to swim by watching their parents, so the keeper who hand-raised her, Alistair Keen, has stepped in as instructor – complete with snorkel and goggles。通常情况下,年幼的企鹅会听歌观察他们的父母来学习游泳,所以亲手抚养她的饲养员——阿里斯泰尔·肯金作为一个指导员介入——连同一支通气管和一副护目镜。

  The flightless bird has been going to pretty extreme lengths to avoid getting her feathers wet, including trying to take off。并不会飞的夏洛特会竭力将翅膀张开到最大以避免弄湿自己的羽毛——她也还试着飞起来。

  Alistair said: ‘At first it didn’t seem like she was ever going to get the hang of it, she certainly hasn’t taken to it like a duck to water.’阿里斯泰尔说:“一开始它似乎并不准备好好掌握游泳这个技能,她肯定是不会像鸭子一样喜欢水的。”

  But let’s have a little faith, you guys. These pictures from one of Charlotte’s recent swimming lessons are… erm, promising. Sort of。但是让我们有点信念好吗,朋友们。这是一些最近夏洛特上游泳课的照片……呃……还是有希望的……的吧。


文章关键词: 双语企鹅饲养员游泳

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