We’ve all heard the adage, "You are what you eat." But there’s a real connection between the food we consume and the functionality of our brains. In The Healthy Mind Cookbook, chef, nutritionist and author Rebecca Katz reveals the top eight brain-boosting foods. Just remember to add these to your grocery list next time you hit the market。我们都听过这样的格言:“吃什么补什么。”我们所吃的食物真的关系着我们的大脑功能。厨师、营养学家兼作家丽贝卡·卡茨列出了补脑排名前八的食物。下次要记得购买这八种食物。
The herb has vitamin A, which can increase the brain’s plasticity, and vitamin C, which may protect against memory loss. Plus, the scent increases alertness。这种草本植物含有维生素A,对大脑有提高可塑性的作用;也含有维生素C,能防止记忆力减退。另外,薄荷香味有提神醒脑的作用。
Eat these nuts with the skins on--that’s where the powerful antioxidant phenols reside. They're also a good source of magnesium, which may help regulate sleeping patterns。吃核桃仁的时候不要剥掉核桃衣,强大的抗氧化剂苯酚都在这层衣上。核桃也富含镁,有助于调节睡眠模式。
The darlings of the produce section, avocados are full of carotenoids, which help improve brain performance. Plus, they’re loaded with healthy fats, which keep inflammation under control and lower the risk of heart disease. Heart healthy = brain healthy。鳄梨(牛油果)富含类胡萝卜素,有助于提高大脑性能。另外,含有健康脂肪,有控制炎症的作用,并能降低患心脏疾病的风险,心脏健康=大脑健康。
Extra Virgin Olive Oil特级初榨橄榄油
It’s all about the good fats here. Extra virgin olive oil has more monounsaturated oleic acid than any other oil, a key element in better memory and higher scores on verbal fluency tests。这是最重要的就是健康脂肪。与其他油相比,特级初榨橄榄油有更多单不饱和油酸,是增强记忆力、提高语言能力的关键因素。
Cauliflower is a great source of vitamin C, which may elevate your mood, and vitamin K, which can keep your mind sharp in your older years。菜花是维生素C的一大来源,它可以提高你的情绪,维生素K能让你在老年仍保持思维敏捷。
They’re high in nitrites, which have been shown to increase blood flow in parts of the brain related to executive functioning. And they’re packed with folate (aids cognitive functioning), which can help delay dementia。甜菜的亚硝酸盐含量高,经证明能增加大脑功能区的血流量。而且富含叶酸(叶酸有助于改善大脑的认知功能),它有助于延缓老年痴呆症。
Pumpkin Seeds南瓜籽
Katz calls these nature’s smallest antidepressant. They’re loaded with zinc, a mineral that keeps depression at bay. They also contain glutamate, which produces GABA, a chemical that fights stress in the brain。卡茨称其为天然的最小抗抑郁药。南瓜籽富含锌,锌这种矿物质能预防抑郁症。南瓜籽还含有谷氨酸,其产生一种γ氨基丁酸,能起到缓解大脑压力的作用。
They're loaded with vitamin B12, an essential for basic cognitive functioning. Plus, anchovies are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which can boost the performance of brain neurons。富含维生素B12,维生素B12对基本认知功能具有重要意义。此外,凤尾鱼含有丰富的ω-3脂肪酸,它可以促进大脑神经元的功能。