
2015年07月20日09:44  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     

  1. Keep Smile1、保持微笑

  Keep a smile on your face. When you smile, you look more friendly and approachable. People feel comfort to deal with you. No matter what you are feeling inside, smile!脸上要时常挂着微笑。当你微笑的时候,你看起来会更加平易近人,人们跟你在一起会感到轻松愉快。不管你心里有什么感受都要微笑!

  2. Maintain Facial Hair2、打理好脸上的毛发

  It is important to take care of facial hair. Men should shave regularly. If you want to maintain long beard, you should keep that neat and trim. Women should shape eyebrows properly。打理好脸上的毛发很重要。男士应该定期刮胡子。如果你想要留长胡子,那你就应该保持胡子的整洁。而女士要适当地修剪眉毛。

  3. Keep Hair Tip-top3、保持完美秀发

  Your hair is just like your crown! So take care of it. A nice look is the first step to attract someone. Get regular haircuts as it is important for your hair to be healthy. Keep your hair clean and tidy. It is really important for attractive appearance。头发就相当于你的皇冠,所以要好好打理!外表好看是吸引人的第一步。定期理发,这对头发的健康很重要;保持头发整洁,这对外在的魅力很重要。

  4. Wear Fit Clothes4、穿合身的衣服

  Your dress is really important. People like one who is dressed properly. So, take care of what you are wearing. Buy the clothes that fit you properly. Oversized or too tight clothes make you look odd。衣着是非常重要的。人们都喜欢会穿衣服的人,所以对自己穿的衣服要多上点心。买衣服要买刚好合身的,太大或者太小都会让你看起来很奇怪。

  5. Maintain Proper Eye Contact5、保持适当的眼神交流

  Proper eye contact is important when you are talking to someone. If you maintain eye contact properly, people will feel important and be happy. Some people feel shy to maintain eye contact. That’s not a big problem. Start with your close ones. Maintain proper eye contact while talking to them. Then, try it with strangers。与别人交谈的时候,适当地眼神交流很重要。如果你保持了适当的眼神交流,人们就会觉得自己得到了你的重视并感到高兴。有的人因为害羞而不好意思保持眼神交流,这不是个大问题,从你最亲近的人开始吧。跟他们交谈的时候保持眼神交流,然后再在与陌生人的交谈中尝试。

  6. Walk Confidently6、自信地走路

  Be confident while walking. Do you know how to walk with confidence? Keeping your body relaxed and holding eyes and head up help you look confident. Making you look confident is a great part of being attractive。走路的时候保持自信。你知道怎样走才显得有自信吗?保持身体放松、直视前方、抬头挺胸,这样会帮助你显得有自信。让自己显得自信是吸引人的重要一步。

  7. Smell Nice7、气息怡人

  No one likes one who smells bad. All your efforts to make yourself attractive can end in smoke if you smell bad. So be careful about this fact. Take shower every day and use deodorant regularly. Brush your teeth properly. You may use medication to get rid of bad breath。没人喜欢发臭的人。身体的异味会让你所有增加魅力的努力付诸东流,所以对这一点要小心。每天洗澡,用体香剂,好好刷牙、甚至可以用药物清除口气。

  8. Be Relaxed8、放松心情

  Are you seared all the time thinking what others are thinking of you? If yes, you should fight to kick away this habit. Be confident and open yourself to others. Communicate with them and be easy. Nervousness isn’t liked. So, be confident and relaxed while dealing with people。你是否总是为别人对你的看法焦躁不安?如果是的话,你应该努力改掉这个习惯。保持自信,对他人敞开心扉,放松地与别人交流。没人喜欢紧张兮兮的人,所以跟别人在一起时要有自信并放松心情。

  9. Laugh and Make Laugh9、常常笑,并把别人逗笑

  There’s a saying, “laughter is a good medicine”. When you laugh, people around you feel comfortable and are more likely to be happy with you. Laughter can make you look attractive. Most importantly, if you can make people laugh you make them happy. And you are treated with the same emotions。俗话说“笑是一剂良药”。当你笑的时候,你周围的人会感到轻松愉快,还很可能会跟你一块儿乐。笑会让你更有魅力。最重要的是,如果你能把人逗笑,你就带给了他们快乐,你自己同样也会感到快乐。

  10. Body Language10、肢体语言

  Your body language is important. If you look busy in your body language, people are likely to avoid you. They will think that you don’t want to be disturbed. But if you are easy and relaxed, people will feel comfortable to approach you。肢体语言很重要。如果你的身体语言让你看起来很忙,人们就很可能会避开你,因为他们会认为你不想被打扰。但是如果你看上去悠闲而放松,人们接近你就会觉得轻松愉快。

  11. Ask Questions11、提问题

  Don’t try to speak about you all the time. While gossiping with someone ask questions. But don’t ask anything inappropriate. When you ask questions, people think that you are interested to know about them and they feel important。不要总是自己说个不停,跟别人聊天的时候要提问题,不过不要问不该问的东西。当你提问的时候,人们会觉得你有兴趣了解他们,觉得自己受到了重视。

  12. Wear Bright Color12、穿鲜亮的衣服

  Wear colorful clothes. Be careful to avoid some colors which can be inappropriate because of the tone of your skin or the ambience of the place to go. Usually, bright colors attract people. You also look more confident。穿色彩鲜艳的衣服。注意不要穿跟肤色不搭或者与场合气氛不合适的颜色。通常鲜亮的颜色引人注目,也会让你显得更有自信。


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