
2015年07月22日10:08  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     
全美最肥喵星人体重相当4岁男孩 全美最肥喵星人体重相当4岁男孩
全美最肥喵星人体重相当4岁男孩 全美最肥喵星人体重相当4岁男孩
全美最肥喵星人体重相当4岁男孩 全美最肥喵星人体重相当4岁男孩

  We're all heard of fat cats, but Sprinkles here may be America's weightiest – tipping the scales at an more than a shocking TWO STONE。我们都听说过肥猫,但是这只名叫斯普林克斯的猫咪可能是全美最肥的——它的体重比惊人的两块大石头还要重。

  The domestic shorthair has a typically tiny frame and should weigh between 11 and 13 pounds。家养短毛猫应该是典型的小型猫,原本体重该在11~13磅之间的。

  But poor Sprinkles is a mammoth 32 pounds - the same as the average four-year-old boy。但是可怜的斯普林克斯是只重达32磅的庞然大物——相当于4岁孩子的平均体重。

  The fat feline is now on the road to recovery after being placed on a strict diet and exercise regime by staff at SOS Sea Isle City Cats in New Jersey, US。这肥猫如今在美国新泽西州海岛城猫急救中心工作人员的监督下,严格控制饮食减肥并遵循锻炼计划,走上恢复(瘦子)之路。

  Her primary caregiver Stacy Olandt, revealed: “This is an obscenely overweight cat, she could not walk when we got her and she is still unable to roll over。它的首席饲养员史戴西·奥兰德透露:“这只猫太重了额,我们刚养她的时候她都不能走路,现在她还是不能翻身。”

  “This isn’t just a pudgy cat – this is a medical issue, overweight cat。“这已经不只是一只矮胖的猫了——这是一个事关超重肥猫的医疗问题。”

  “Our vet has been in practice for more than 40 years and he has never seen such a fat cat. “Sprinkles was found in a foreclosed house before she was taken to New Jersey animal shelter who sent her to SOS。“我们的兽医工作了40多年,从来没有见过这么肥的猫,” 在被美国新泽西州动物收容所送到急救中心之前,斯普林克斯是在一个拍卖屋里被发现的。

  “We didn’t know anything about her owners,” added Stacy。“我们不知道它的主人是谁,”史戴西再次说道。

  “I think it’s pretty clear that they didn’t know how to properly take care of a cat。“但是我觉得很明显他们不知道要怎么照顾好猫咪。”

  Sprinkles' massive weight has led to other health complications for the four year old.4岁的斯普林克斯因为太过肥胖已经导致了很多其他的并发症。

  Stacy, who is 71, added: “When we first got her she had fleas and ear mites. 71岁的史戴西补充道:“我们第一次见它的时候,它身上还有跳蚤跟耳疥虫。”

  “She has the typical problems of a very overweight human, her joints are compromised, her heart is being stressed and she is simply not very mobile。”“它有着很典型的像人类那样的肥胖问题,它的关节都受到连累,它的心脏受压太重,并且很难移动。”

  “We are now hoping that she will get adopted into a home where she can become the centre of attention。”“如今我们希望有人家能收养她关爱她。”


文章关键词: 双语喵星人

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