
2015年07月22日15:26  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     
爆笑瞬间抓拍又有熊从大学树上掉下来啦 爆笑瞬间抓拍又有熊从大学树上掉下来啦
爆笑瞬间抓拍又有熊从大学树上掉下来啦 爆笑瞬间抓拍又有熊从大学树上掉下来啦

  Be warned, bears: if you fall from a tree on this campus, you will have an embarrassing photo of you circulating on the Internet。熊出没,请注意!如果你在这个校园里从树上掉了下来,那你奇葩的照片就会被在网上疯传。

  Early Friday morning on the Boulder campus of the University of Colorado, a 2-year-old bear climbed up a tree, where it lazed around for approximately 4 hours, 7News Denver reported。据“7News Denver”报导,星期五早上,在科罗拉多大学波德分校里,一只2岁的熊爬到了树上,然后在上面无所事事地呆了将近4个小时。

  Wildlife officials tranquilized the baby bear, catching it in a net -- but not before school photographer Glenn Asakawa captured it on camera。野生动物组织的工作人员把小熊哄了下来,用网把它接住了。校园摄影师格林·阿萨卡瓦把它掉到网前的瞬间抓拍了下来。

  If this image looks familiar, it might be because the same thing happened three years ago. Student photographer Andy Duann captured the original "Falling Bear" for the student publication CU Independent, causing the photo to go viral overnight。如果你觉得这张照片很眼熟,或许是因为三年前也发生过同样的事。一名叫安迪·杜安的学生拍到了第一只“坠落熊”的照片。照片让科罗拉多大学波德分校的学生新闻出版社发布后,一夜之间就变得人尽皆知。

  Regardless, we hope this is a trend that continues. We salute you, Falling Bear 2.不管怎样,我们希望这样的事以后还会发生。我们向你致敬,坠落熊2号。


文章关键词: 双语爆笑照片

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