英国女记者Sarah Smith 讲述自己在4周喝水计划后带来的神奇变化:
You might think I'd have little in common with a camel, but we do share one useful skill: both of us can go for a very long time without water。你也许觉得自己和骆驼没有什么相同点,但其实我们确实和骆驼有一种共同的技能:我们和骆驼一样可以长时间不喝水。
Usually I start my day with a cup of tea, then I might have a glass of water with my lunch and one with dinner - that's about a litre of liquid in 24 hours. It feels like plenty, but apparently it's not nearly enough。通常我会早上喝一杯茶,然后可能中午吃饭的时候喝一杯水,晚上吃饭的时候再喝一杯水——也就是大约24小时内喝1升水。这似乎够多了,但实际上远远不够。
After years of suffering headaches and poor digestion I spoke to a neurologist about my regular headaches and a nutritionist
about my poor digestion, and both told me I should be drinking up to three litres of liquid a day for my body to function at its best。在常年受到头疼和消化问题的困扰之后,我和一位神经科医生谈到我的头痛症,又和一位营养科医生谈到我消化功能差的问题,两位医生都建议我,必须一天喝多至3升的水,身体才能运转正常。
I decided to conduct an experiment. What would happen if I drank the recommended amount every day for a month?我决定进行一项实验,看看如果我按医生的建议每天喝足量的水,会发生怎样的变化?
The photograph of me taken the day I started this trial demonstrates perfectly - and rather frighteningly - what a lack of hydration does to a face。在开始实验前一天我给自己拍了一张照片,这张照片清楚——并且令人恐惧的——证实了缺水对面部皮肤带来的损害。
I am 42, but have to admit I look more like 52 in this picture, which is shocking. There are dark shadows under and around my eyes, which make me look exhausted, a profusion of wrinkles and strange reddish blotches, and my skin lacks any lustre. It looks dead。我现年42岁,但可怕的是,我必须承认在这张照片里我看起来更像是52岁了。我的眼部周围有黑眼圈,看起来十分疲惫,脸上还有许多皱纹和奇怪的红斑。我的皮肤看起来毫无光泽,死气沉沉。
Even my lips look shrivelled. This is all classic evidence of poor hydration, apparently. Every system and function in our body depends on water。甚至我的嘴唇看起来都很干瘪。很明显,这些都是典型的缺水症状。我们身体中的所有系统和功能都离不开水。
It flushes toxins from the vital organs, carries nutrients to cells, provides a moist environment for ear, nose and throat tissues, and eliminates waste。水能疏散重要器官中的毒素,将营养运输到细胞里,为耳部、鼻部和咽喉组织提供湿润健康的生态环境,还能排泄废物。
Not drinking enough means all these functions become impaired. So I decided to see how I would look and feel if I drank three litres of water every day for 28 days. The results were astonishing。如果饮水量不足,则意味着这些功能都将受损。所有我决定考察一下,如果我连续28天每天都喝下3升的水,那么我的皮肤和身体感觉将有些什么变化。结果是惊人的。
1. Week One Weight: 8st 7lb Waist: 28in第一周 体重:53.97公斤 腰围:28英寸
Three litres of water sounds like an awful lot. I visit my local GP to be sure there can be no adverse health implications to upping my water intake so dramatically. He is very encouraging. I'm enjoying lots of cups of tea. For years I've been doing ten minutes of yoga every morning straight after I get up, but I've been feeling stiffer over the past six months. Yet since I started drinking more water my flexibility has improved. 三升水听起来多得有点吓人。我去找了下我的全科医生,以便确认这样突然增多的饮水量不会对我的健康状况造成负面影响。他对我的计划表示非常支持。我每天要喝许多杯茶,并且乐在其中。数年来我每天都会在起床后做十分钟瑜伽,但过去半年以来我一直感觉关节僵硬了。然而当我开始喝更多的水之后,身体的灵活性又增强了。
2. Week Two Weight: 8st 6lb Waist: 28in第二周 体重:53.52公斤 腰围:28英寸
My complexion
is improving and my skin tone is more even. I still have wrinkles under my eyes, but they look less crepey and shadowy than before. The blotches on my face are diminishing, and the shadows around my eyes are less pronounced。我的气色变好了,肤色也提亮了。眼部下方还是有皱纹,但是皱纹变浅变淡了。面部皮肤上的红斑也淡化了,黑眼圈也没那么突出了。
3. Week Three Weight: 8st 6lb Waist: 27.5in第三周 体重:53.07公斤 腰围:27.5英寸
The dark rings and wrinkles under my eyes have virtually disappeared, and my skin looks plumper and more nourished. I've noticed I've stopped rubbing my eyes when I wake up in the morning. They used to be dry and full of sleep, but not now. All this extra water must be keeping them moist. I have to take a long train journey and I realise afterwards how productive I felt and how easy I found it to concentrate, rather than having my customary snooze。眼部周围的黑眼圈和皱纹终于消失了,我的皮肤看起来更加饱满莹润了。我注意到自己早晨醒来时不再揉眼睛了。以前,每天醒来时眼睛都感觉非常干涩,睡意惺忪,而现在这些症状都没有了。我多摄入的水分使眼睛更加湿润了。在长时间的火车旅行之后,我发现自己现在充满活力,而且精力充沛,思维集中,而不像从前常常犯困。
4.Week Four Weight: 8st 5lb (lost another 1lb) Waist: 27in (another half an inch)第四周 体重: 腰围:27英寸
I genuinely can't believe the difference in my face. I look like a different woman. My skin is almost as dewy as it was when I was a child.I feel fitter, leaner and healthier, and my husband and friends tell me I look ten years younger. Who would not want to try something which gets such incredible results?我真的不敢相信面部肌肤发生的变化。我看起来像另一个人。我的皮肤就像小时候一样水润。我感觉更有活力,更轻盈也更健康了。我的丈夫和朋友们告诉我我年轻了10岁。谁会不想要为了这样惊人的变化做出尝试呢?
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