双语:专业坑娃二十年 熊爸带娃爆笑囧事(图)

2015年08月05日09:56  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     
Batboy! Batboy!
Teammates Teammates
Flower power Flower power
Nerf wars Nerf wars
Oops Oops
The great indoors The great indoors
Sorry kids Sorry kids

  Parenting is, on some occasions, a case of trial and error – and when the trials go wrong, the results can be extraordinarily entertaining。养儿育女有时候也是一种需要反复试炼的活儿,而当粑粑麻麻挑战失败时,产生的结果可能超级搞笑。

  Dote dads around the world have taken to social media to share evidence of their most entertaining parenting mishaps, using the hashtag #DadWin in order to commiserate

  with other parents over their failed parenting endeavours – and equally to give themselves a public pat on the back when they succeed。世界各地的奶爸们都在社交网络上分享照片,证明自己曾做过的超级搞笑的育儿囧事,所有的照片都带着#爸爸的胜利#这个标签。对其他粑粑麻麻的育儿囧事,他们致以同情的问候;对那些成功的案例,他们也给予共同的认可和鼓励。

  1.Batboy! Photos with the hashtag #DadWin and #MumFail have been appearing on social media showing misadventures in parenting, including this one featuring a young baby with a pair of underpants on his face. 蝙蝠小侠!许多人在社交网络上以#爸爸的胜利#和#妈妈的失败#为标签上传照片,证明自己养育孩子时做过的囧事。其中就有这张照片,一个小宝宝在脸上套着一条内裤裤。

  2.Teammates: This gaming dad is getting his time with his daughter where he can take it by giving her a chance to play with a console controller。无姐妹不传奇:这个爸爸让小女儿拿着游戏手柄一起玩网游,这样他就可以一边玩游戏,一边享受父女共处的亲子时光了。

  3.'Breakfast with dad。 This counts. Right?' The man behind this post made a joke about the fact that his idea of quality time with his son involved the youngster watching something on an iPad。“与爸爸共进早餐。这样也算数的,对吧?”发布这张照片的奶爸自嘲的告诉大家,他认为自己与儿子的亲子时光应该是这样的,孩子盯着平板电脑上的卡通片。

  4.Flower power: The dad of this little girl just had to share his crafty work with a bunch of daisies, adding that only 'real men' play with flowers。花仙子的能量:这个小女孩的爸爸忍不住要晒一下自己用雏菊编织成的发结,还补充说,只有“真正的男子汉”才会摆弄花花草草。

  5.Nerf wars: This post came complete with an accompanying comment from one dad about how brilliant his playtime skills are。玩具大战:这张图片附有一则相关评论,上传者是一个奶爸,他自恃自己与孩子玩耍的本领真是超级棒。

  6.Oops! One young girl shared an image of a text conversation between herself and her father, noting that her dad didn't even realize she had left the house。哎哟糟糕!一个小女孩分享了一张截屏图片,图片上是她与爸爸互发的短信。爸爸甚至都不知道她溜出门去玩了。

  7.The great indoors: This dad received an appreciative post from his partner after treating the kids to a 'camp out' while mom got her rest。超赞的室内野营:一位妈妈上传了一张照片,表示对老公的感谢。为了让妈妈得到一点休息,爸爸带孩子们在屋子里“野营”。

  8.'Sorry kids...' This dad was apparently too busy to pay attention to his toast, burning '10 whole slices'. Luckily he could see the humor in the situation。“抱歉啦孩子们”:这位爸爸一定是太忙了,以至于没有注意到电磁炉上的吐司,“整整10片都烤焦了哟”。还好他能从这件事中找到笑点。


文章关键词: 双语育儿奶爸

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