双语:心酸萌 总在思考人生的歪脖猫走红(图)

2015年08月05日14:48  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     
总在思考人生的歪脖猫走红 总在思考人生的歪脖猫走红
总在思考人生的歪脖猫走红 总在思考人生的歪脖猫走红

  Meet Tilly the confused cat - whose neck is stuck at an angle leaving her looking constantly perplexed。这是歪脖子猫蒂莉——它的脖子总是外向一边,总是一副十分困惑的样子。

  The six-month old kitten's fluffy white head is constantly stuck at an almost 45 degree angle, meaning she always looks inquisitive。这只才六个月大的小猫咪生着毛绒绒的白色小脑袋,小脑袋总是呈45°倾斜的样子,看起来总像是在思考问题。

  But the adorable feature is believed by vets at the RSPCA New South Wales centre in Sydney to be the result of a horrific attack。不过在悉尼新南威尔士州中心的皇家防止虐待动物协会的兽医们认为,它这幅可爱的萌样其实是遭受过严重伤害的结果。

  Hannah Burfitt, the state foster care coordinator is currently caring for Tilly as she waits to find her 'forever home'。这家州立动物收容中心的饲养员汉娜·博菲特目前正在照顾蒂莉,在这里,蒂莉正盼望着有一个“永远的温暖的家”。

  She said: 'Tilly does always look a little confused. It may look cute but sadly it does hide a more sinister reason。据她称,“蒂莉确实总是看起来有点儿迷糊。这幅样子确实很可爱,不过令人惋惜的是,这幅模样的背后有着沉重的缘由。

  When she was brought in to use she was in a really bad way. It was clear she had suffered serious head trauma。当她刚被送到这里的时候她的身体状况非常糟糕,显然她的头部受过严重的撞击。

  Tilly was taken to the shelter as a stray kitten, with dry blood in her ears and no control of her pupils. As her neck had been left untreated for some time, the shelter can't perform any surgery to fix it。当蒂莉被带到动物收容中心之前,她还是一只流浪猫,耳朵里有凝固的血痂,而且不能控制自己的瞳孔收缩。由于颈部没有及时得到医治,收容中心无法通过手术使她的颈骨复原。

  Vets at the charity believe it is likely that she suffered trauma to the middle or inner ear resulting in infection, which was significant enough to cause permanent damage. 协会里的兽医认为,蒂莉可能是耳道的中部或深处受过创伤,引起感染,严重程度足以导致永久性的损害。

  When she first came into the shelter she had no balance and couldn't stand up or walk properly。当她刚来到收容中心的时候,她不能保持身体平衡,不能站直,也不能行走自如。

  But despite her problems Hannah said Tilly is now a happy little cat。不过汉娜说,尽管蒂莉健康状况不佳,现在她已经变成了一只快乐的小猫。

  'Tilly has adapted remarkably well to her head tilt,' she said。她说,“她已经熟练的适应了歪着脖子生活。”



文章关键词: 双语歪脖猫

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