
2015年08月06日09:41  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     
四个小妙招教你拍出更好的旅行照 四个小妙招教你拍出更好的旅行照
四个小妙招教你拍出更好的旅行照 四个小妙招教你拍出更好的旅行照
四个小妙招教你拍出更好的旅行照 四个小妙招教你拍出更好的旅行照
四个小妙招教你拍出更好的旅行照 四个小妙招教你拍出更好的旅行照
四个小妙招教你拍出更好的旅行照 四个小妙招教你拍出更好的旅行照

  1. Composition构图比例

  Take a blank sheet of paper and draw two lines down and two lines across. What you end up with is three columns vertically and three rows horizontally. The points where those lines cross are ideal places to put your subject. The next time you’re looking through your viewfinder, take a few seconds to remember the rule of thirds and adjust the subject appropriately. You’ll end up with a more visually engaging photo. The more you use this tip, the easier it will become。拿出一张白纸,横着画两条线,再竖着画两条线。然后你会得到三排横格,三排竖格。线条交叉的点就是你聚焦的最佳点。下一次当你拿起相机时,稍等一下,记得使用三格原则并将所拍物调整到合适的位置。你便会拍出一张视觉效果更佳的照片。尝试这种方式的次数越多,操作起来就越容易哦。

  2. Turn Around/Side Step The Obvious选择独特视角

  By all means, stop at the scenic overview. But step away from where everyone else is. Better yet, turn around. Find a different way to look at the famous scene. Sometimes the opposite of what you should be looking at is where you’ll find the real gem. Whenever I’m at a popular spot, I always go out of my way to walk to a different, overlooked area and take most of my photos there. You’ll get an awesome, unique photo, and you may discover an even better viewpoint than the one that was created for the masses。一定不要再用大众视角拍摄风景了。从大家身边走开,最好找到一个独特的视角,找到一个不同的角度去观赏著名景点。有时候走到背面看一看也许你会发现真正美丽的一面。不管走到哪里的名胜古迹,我总是去寻找一个不同的角度,找到能够看到全景的地方来拍摄。你会得到一张精美绝伦的照片,并且你会发现一个超出众人角度的美景。

  3. Shoot in Black and White使用黑白镜头

  Switch your camera setting to black and white. Spend a day shooting your travel photos this way, and you’ll be amazed at how different your images will look. This tip also works well when you have a variety of lighting sources affecting one image (fluorescent, tungsten, etc。). If you aren’t familiar with changing your white balance, you can end up with a muddy-looking photo, but shooting in black and white will make that a non-issue. This is especially good when you have a grey, overcast day. Instead of wishing for more contrast and brilliant hues, switch to black and white and watch the magic happen。将你的相机调整到黑白模式,用一天的时间拍摄这样的照片,你会被这些不同的图片惊喜到。这个方法也适用于当有不同光线影响你的拍摄效果时(强反光,暗光线等等)。如果你不熟悉白平衡的设置,可能最终会拍到一张比较模糊的照片;但如果使用黑白模式,则可以避免这个问题。当你遇到阴天或者强光天时,这尤其是个好方法。与其期盼更明显的对比和更明亮的色调,不如来拍黑白照吧,你会看到奇迹发生。

  4. Use your Heart用心拍摄

  Shooting with your heart sounds a little abstract, huh? Well really, it’s pretty easy. The key is to shoot ALL the time. A great way to get over that hurdle is to pretend you’ve been given a crazy opportunity with a huge travel magazine (think Budget Travel or National Geographic). Of course, there will be a lot of bad shots and that’s OK. What you’re aiming for here is finding your voice through the camera. Just keep on shooting, and over time you’ll find an underlying theme. Most people simply don’t shoot enough to discover their hidden photographic voice. The key is not to overthink it. Just shoot it. The rest will happen naturally。用心拍摄,听起来有些太抽象哈?事实上这非常简单,关键就是一直不停地拍。让自己跨国这道坎的最好方法就是假装自己得到一个著名旅行杂志的供稿机会(比如《穷游族》或者《国家地理杂志》)。当然,你可能会拍出很多很烂的照片,没有关系,这样做的目的是让你通过相机找到自己的声音。只要坚持不停拍摄,最终你会找到一个深刻的主题。大多数人拍的不够多,所以也很难找到内心深处的摄影心声。关键在于不要多想,只要拍就好了。剩下的将会顺其自然的发生。


文章关键词: 双语旅行照片

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