
2015年08月06日10:07  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     
12种不含添加糖的美味小食 12种不含添加糖的美味小食
12种不含添加糖的美味小食 12种不含添加糖的美味小食
12种不含添加糖的美味小食 12种不含添加糖的美味小食

  12 perfect ways to get a sweet fix—without sacrificing your health.12种方法满足你对甜食的渴望——还不用牺牲你的健康

  1. Iced green tea with soy milk1、冰绿茶豆浆

  We swear: This slightly creamy drink will quell any sweet cravings like a pro. It’s super-economical—a jug of unsweetened iced green tea costs around $4, while a container of soy milk costs about $3—and it’s amazingly satisfying when served over ice。我们保证:这种含少量乳脂的饮品会像蛋白质那样消除你所有对甜食的渴望。这个超级合算的:一壶不加糖的冰绿茶只要4美元左右,一盒豆奶只要3美元左右。端出来的时候在上面加点冰简直太赞了。

  2. Frozen fruit2、冷冻水果

  Sure, you can freeze your own. Frozen fruit is an unbelievably convenient way to satisfy a sugar craving without any refined sugar or nasty preservatives. Frozen cherries, especially, are super-sweet, while mango and papaya taste like you’re eating sorbet. Just be aware of how much you eat—there’s no added sugar, but natural sugars are still present, so pay attention to serving size。当然,你可以把你的水果冻一下。冷冻水果不含任何的人工制糖或者讨人厌的防腐剂。冷冻樱桃(尤其是超级甜的那种),还有冷冻芒果和木瓜的味道就像你正在吃的冰沙那样。只要知道你吃了多少就可以了——没有任何的添加糖分,只有现在仍旧有的天然糖分,所以要注意分量。

  3. Frozen fruit pops3、冷冻水果碳酸饮料

  If you’re looking to get a little more involved, try making your own fruit pops. We’re loving the below, which includes almond milk, OJ, oranges, strawberries and some optional vanilla protein powder! That’s it. Check out the recipe here。如果你希望多点配料,试试用自己的水果做碳酸饮料。我们喜欢下面这几种材料,包括杏仁奶、橙汁、橘子、草莓和一些可选香草蛋白粉,就是这些。试试这些配方吧!

  4. Frozen Greek yogurt bites4、冷冻希腊酸奶

  We’re loving this recipe, Combine 1 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt with ½ cup frozen berries and stir until the fruit has broken down and the mixture has an even consistency. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper, and drop 1/4 teaspoons of the mixture onto the sheet. Freeze until solid and pour all the drops into a plastic baggie. Store in the freezer until you’re ready to snack!我们都爱这个配方,将1杯脱脂纯希腊酸奶跟半杯冷冻浆果搅拌,直到果实已经完全碎了,再将混合物放置沉淀。用烤盘与羊皮纸隔开,倒出1/4茶匙的混合物到纸上。直至冻结坚实,把所有的冰冻混合物倒入到一个塑料袋里。冷冻保存,想吃的时候就可以吃啦!

  5. Pan-seared cinnamon banana slices5、香煎肉桂香蕉片

  Sliced bannans rolled in cinnamon and nutmeg, then cooked in the pan with a little olive oil for three minutes. If you’re not opposed, add some Splenda or granulated Stevia for an extra sweet kick. This also makes a seriously impressive dessert for company。切点香蕉片,混合肉桂和肉​​豆蔻一起卷,然后用少许橄榄油在锅里烹饪三分钟。如果你不反对的话,可以添加一些如三氯蔗糖或颗粒状甜菊添点甜味。这也可以成为公司里令人难忘的甜点哦~

  6. Rum broiled grapefruit6、朗姆酒烤柚子

  Super-gourmet and super-healthy, this treat includes broiling a grapefruit with rum, cinnamon, cayenne, cherries, and a touch of brown sugar, which of course is optional. Check out the recipe at Saveur! 超级美味又超级健康,烤柚子的时候加入朗姆酒、桂皮、红辣椒、樱桃和淡淡的红糖(当然可以自由选择是否要加)。试试圣摩纳哥的配方吧!

  7. A small banana and a teaspoon of almond butter7. 一只小香蕉和一小茶匙杏仁酱

  This healthy snack clocks in at only 100 calories, and offers potassium and protein with no added sugar or chemicals。这种健康的小吃只有100卡路里的热量,富含钾和蛋白质,但不含有添加糖或化学剂。

  8. Popcorn + fixings8.爆米花及一些配套食品

  Popcorn is actually a whole grain, and a 2.5-cup serving has 70 calories, 13 grams of carbohydrates, and three grams of fiber. Sorry, but movie popcorn doesn’t count. To get the benefits, it has to be air-popped, and plain. For an added dose of sweet, sprinkle on some pure cocoa powder, cinnamon, or grate some dark chocolate on top and microwave for a few seconds!爆米花实际上是一种全谷物,每2.5杯含有70卡路里的热量、13个克碳水化合物和3克的纤维。很抱歉,但看电影吃的爆米花不算。要吃得健康,它必须是空气爆的,且没有什么味道。要添加甜味,可以撒上一些纯可可粉、肉桂或者一些黑巧克力,然后放进微波炉转上几秒钟!

  9. Homemade sour watermelon gummies9、自制酸奶西瓜软糖

  We’ve already mentioned some of the horrifying stuff found in pre-packed gummy snacks, but the fact remains that sometimes nothing satisfies a candy craving quite like heaping handfuls of gummy bears, sour peaches, or the aforementioned red fish。我们已经提到在一些包装好的胶状零食中发现了可怕的东西,但事实是,有时候,没有什么能比小熊软糖、酸桃子或前面提到的一把红鱼更满足人们对糖的渴望了。

  10. White sangria without sugary extras10、不含多余糖分的白桑格里厄汽酒

  Skip the sugar-filled mixed drinks and opt for this light sangria. Sangria is wine-based, but it’s also packed with sugar, brandy and, often, ginger ale. To cut major calories, use white wine (preferably a light varietal like Riesling or pinot grigio, which have fewer calories than those with higher alcohol content such as Chardonnay and sauvignon blanc), lots of of chopped fruit (we like apples, strawberries, pears, and peaches) and seltzer。跳过多糖的混合饮料选择一杯淡淡的桑格里厄汽酒。桑格里厄汽酒是一种基于葡萄酒但是也含有糖分、白兰地、通常还有姜味汽水的酒。为了减少卡路里,用白葡萄酒(最好是用一些少见的品种比如“雷司令”或者“灰皮诺”,比含有更高酒精量的“霞多丽”和“长相思”等所含卡路里要低)、大量切碎的水果(我们喜欢苹果、草莓、梨和桃子)和苏打水。

  11. 60% Cacao dark chocolate11、含60%可可的黑巧克力

  One ounce of dark chocolate packs a hefty dose of anti-oxidants and it’ll ease your sugar cravings thanks to its rich, intense, slightly bitter flavor. The trick, however, is seeking out stuff that’s at least 60% cacao, which contains little or no added sugar。一盎司黑巧克力含有很多的抗氧化剂,其丰富、强烈而微苦的味道会减轻你对甜食的渴望。但这其中的巧妙之处是,要找至少含有60%可可的黑巧克力,其中含有极少量添加糖或不含添加糖。

  12. Chomp on gum12、嚼口香糖

  Fine, it’s not as exciting as a piece of chocolate, but if you’re looking to avoid giving into sweet craving completely, try chewing a piece of gum. Research has shown that chewing gum can reduce food cravings。好吧,这没有巧克力那么好,但是如果你正在想办法不被甜食诱惑,就试着嚼片口香糖。研究表明,嚼口香糖可以减少食欲。


文章关键词: 双语小食巧克力

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