Creatively decorated metro carriages have made headlines this week after colourful interior artworks were commissioned to celebrate the 60th anniversary of a famous rabbit from the Netherlands。为了给一只来自荷兰的著名兔子庆祝60周岁纪念日,地铁车厢内部装饰了创意十足、五彩缤纷的图案,这可是本周的头条新闻。
Four carriages of the city metro in Guangzhou, which is the capital of southern China's Guangdong Province, have become all the rage among netizens and commuters after they appeared decorated with pictures of the popular cartoon rabbit 'Miffy'。在中国南部广东省省会广州市,有四节车厢装饰了人气极高的卡通兔“米菲”,成为了网民和乘客的时尚风潮。
This year, to celebrate the rabbit's 60th 'birthday', the Guangzhou metro had drawings of Miffy commissioned to be added to the carriages。为了给米菲庆祝今年的60岁“生日”,广州地铁接下了在车厢内贴满米菲图案的委托。
Interior artworks - in bright hues of green, orange and blue - were commissioned to celebrate the rabbit's 60th 'birthday'。车厢内部装饰了明亮的绿色调、橙色调和蓝色调来庆祝米菲的60岁“生日”。
Miffy was 'born' to artist and writer Dick Bruna, who first published the illustrations of the female rabbit in 1955.艺术家兼作家迪克·布鲁纳创造了米菲,这只雌性小兔子于1955年第一次在插画中出版。
The commuter trains have unsurprisingly become a popular photo spot。米菲通勤列车毫无疑问吸引了很多人来拍照。
Almost 30 books have followed Miffy's original story in the six decades since her Dutch debut in 1955.米菲自1955年在荷兰出道以来的六十年间,以她为原型的故事书有近三十本。
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