MATHS lessons are being taught in British schools by staff who only have a GCSE in the subject because of a dire shortage of qualified teachers。在英国学校,由于可怕的师资力量之匮乏,数学课是由那些仅持有普通中等教育证书的老师来教授的。
According to experts, a shortfall of 5,500 maths teachers in English secondary schools has forced heads to send in teachers who are vastly underqualified in the subject。专家称,英国中学数学教师人数禁缺5500名,逼得校长不得不将在该学科资历远远不够的老师送入学校。
Some schools are even putting PE and geography teachers in maths rooms to teach younger or less abled pupils。一些学校甚至让体育老师和地理老师来为那些年纪较小、能力平平的学生上数学课。
Robert Barbour, a member of the Advisory Committee on Mathematics Education, said that the shortage was predominantly in weak schools。罗伯特·巴伯是数学教育咨询委员会的一名成员,其称师资的匮乏主要体现在一些较为薄弱的学校中。
Corinne Ainger, a council member for the Association of Teachers of Mathematics, said that rural and coastal areas are the worst hit, because they are "regions where young professionals do not choose to live"。科琳·安杰是数学教师协会的理事会成员,其声称农村地区和沿海地区遭受师资匮乏的打击最为严重,因为“年轻的专业人士不会选择在那里待下去”。
Ms Ainger said maths teachers are more attracted towards successful schools because it is easier to work there。安杰女士说那些成功的学校对于数学老师而言更具吸引力,因为在那里工作更容易。