Generally one thinks the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. Well, the same can be said for women, according to a study. It found that they were much more interested in romance on a full stomach than when they hadn’t eaten。通常人们认为要抓住男人的心就得先攻下他的胃。而根据一项研究,这招对女人同样适用。研究结果表明,女人在饱腹时比她们空着肚子时对浪漫表现出更大的兴趣。
Brain scans carried out while the women viewed a variety of images showed that the women were ‘significantly
more responsive to romantic stimuli after a meal than prior to it’, the researchers from Drexel University in Philadelphia, and the University of Pennsylvania said。来自费城德雷克塞尔大学以及宾西法尼亚大学的研究员们称,他们让女性浏览一组照片的同时对其大脑进行扫描,所成的图像表明女性在用餐后明显会对浪漫刺激反应更加强烈。
‘This data suggests that eating may prime or sensitise young women to rewards beyond food,’ the psychologists wrote in the journal Appetite。《胃口》杂志的心理学家们称:“这样的实验数据表明吃东西也许能促使女性关注除食物之外的奖励,或使其对食物以外的奖励更为敏感。”
‘Across cultures, food and romantic reward are closely intertwined.’“在不同的文化中,食物与享受浪漫密不可分。”
‘Courtship rituals frequently involve meals or the presentation of food, and while it is certainly a socially-influenced practice, it is seen in the animal kingdom as well.'“求婚仪式往往涉及餐点或食物供应,而这点当然是受到了社会影响,在动物王国里这一联系亦存在。”