
2015年08月24日14:18  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     

  This is the heart-warming moment a baby experienced playing in the rain for the first time – and judging by her reaction, she absolutely loved it。宝宝第一次于雨中戏耍的这个瞬间氛外窝心。从她的反应来看,她非常享受这次的体验。

  Father Don Swift shared the moment with his daughter, which took place outside the family home in Atlanta, Georgia, and posted footage of it to the internet。居住在乔治亚州亚特兰大的唐·斯威夫特与女儿在家门外共享雨中时光,然后将视频传上网。

  In the short clip Don asks his toddler

  whether she would like to go outside in the rain while he holds her in his arms in the garage. He then runs outside with her – she begins smiling as he takes his first step into the rain – and turns around with her in the driveway before returning to the house。短片中的唐在车库中抱着他刚学步女儿,问她想不想去雨中走走。之后唐便带着她跑了出去,并在进屋前于自家车道和女儿一起雨中闲逛。女娃娃也是在她父亲一迈进雨中便绽放笑容。

  The youngster can be seen giggling as Don makes his way back inside the garage。唐返回车库的同时小女孩咯咯笑着。

  She then points to the rain and makes a sound, as if saying she would like to go back outside。随后她指着雨,丫丫叫着,似乎在说她还想出去玩雨。

  Her dad responds by asking her whether she wants more rain and the baby giggles。见此唐问她还想不想再玩玩雨,她大笑。

  Later the pair run back outside, repeat the process. Her dad then takes her into the rain to splash about。于是父女两人又一次次跑回雨中。唐还把女儿放下来戏水。


文章关键词: 双语女童

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