Thirty-three-year-old Claire Simmons, of Notting Hill in London, is in a monogamousrelationship with a dangerous partner: pizza.
For the last 31 years of her life, she has eaten nothing but plain cheese pizza for every single meal, she tells the Sun. And now, her doctors say that Simmons' monotonousdiet could kill her.
Simmons says she exercises and drinks plenty of water. The problem is that her limited diet -- the result of a mental illness known as Selective Eating Disorder -- doesn't provide all the minerals and vitamins she needs for solid health.
Simmons exposed her difficult story to the public after reading the story of Stacey Irvine, sometimes called "Chicken Nugget Girl," a fellow Brit who was hospitalized after eating only chicken nuggetsfor a decade and a half.
This fall also brought to light the story of Jonathan McGowan, a UK man who, for the past 30 years, has refused to eat any meat except roadkill. The BBC has even aired documentary-based multiple series on the topic of extremely picky eaters. Could there be something in English water that gives its drinkers Selective Eating Disorder? Maybe -- though it seems even more likely that there's something about English tabloids that helps these stories find an eager public.
类似遭遇曝光的还有一个名叫乔纳森·麦高文的英国男人。在过去的30年中,他所吃的肉类食物只有一种: 被车撞死的各种动物。BBC电视台甚至以这些极度挑剔的饮食者为话题,拍摄过一系列纪实题材的片子。难道说英国的饮用水里有某种元素,会让喝这些水长大的 人们患上“选择性饮食失调”吗?也许吧,不过元凶更有可能是英国的小报,正是它们为这些稀奇古怪的故事找到了渴望猎奇的受众。(来源:沪江英语)