Marvel comics introduced the shocking twist that Captain America was a Hydra agent, and Steve Rogers always has been and will continue to be a member of the evil group。

Marvel executive editor Tom Brevoort talked about the decision。“”Almost since the beginning of when Nick started writing the Captain America titles, which would have been the end of 2014。 So right around there the conversations first started about this。
近日,漫威高级副总裁Tom Brevoort谈到,这个设定他和漫画编辑们在2014年就展开了秘密讨论,终于在两年之后曝出了这个大料。
“But I certainly believe it’s not a gimmick。 It’s a story that we spent a long time on, that’s compelling and captures the zeitgeist of the world。 It will make readers wonder how the heck we’ll get out of this。”