《好莱坞报道(The Hollywood Reporter)》近日评出了9月到元旦前最值得期待的37部电影。是不是有小伙伴觉得人生又有寄托了?
1。 《佩小姐的奇幻城堡》(Miss Peregrine‘s Home for Peculiar Children)

Eva Green reunites with Tim Burton to play the titular headmistress of the orphanage full of magical misfits。 Fox’s fantasy flick, based on Ransom Riggs‘ 2011 novel, follows a teenage boy who is transported to an island where he must help protect a group of orphans with special powers from creatures out to destroy them。
伊娃·格林和蒂姆·波顿再次合作,她饰演的是标题中的佩小姐,她是一家孤儿院的院长,院里住满了各种魔幻的怪人。这部福克斯的奇幻电影改编自Ransom Rigg在2011年写的小说,讲述一个男孩被传送到了一座岛上,并帮助一众拥有超能力的孤儿抵挡外界想消灭他们的生物。
2。 《但丁密码》(Inferno)

Tom Hanks is back as symbologist Robert Langdon in the third installment of Dan Brown‘s best-selling series, in which he teams up with a doctor he hopes will help him recover his memories to stop a deadly global plot related to the medieval philosopher Dante。 Following 2006‘s The Da Vinci Code and 2009’s Angels & Demons, Ron Howard again directs the adaptation。
汤 姆·汉克斯又回来演符号学家罗伯特·兰登了,这回演的是丹·布朗畅销系列里的第三本。片中,他将与一位医生搭对,他希望这位医生能帮他恢复记忆,从而阻止 一场与中世纪哲学家但丁有关的世界级致命阴谋。继2006年的《达芬奇密码》和2009年的《天使与魔鬼》之后,这一次的改编同样是由郎·霍华德担任导演。
3。 《怪物召唤》(A Monster Calls)

The adaptation of Patrick Ness’ award-winning children‘s fantasy novel is about a young boy who attempts to deal with bullying at the hands of his classmates, and his mother‘s terminal illness, by escaping into a fantastical world through the guidance of a tree monster。
这部电影改编自Patrick Ness的获奖儿童奇幻小说,讲的是一个小男孩的故事,他需要忍受班上同学的欺凌,同时还要面对母亲的绝症。为了应对生活中的问题,他在一个树妖的引导下进入了一个奇幻的世界。
4。 《神奇动物在哪里》(Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them)

Eddie Redmayne stars in the Harry Potter spinoff as Newt Scamander, a magician on a search for the rare and unusual supernatural creatures of the movie‘s title。 It also tells the story of the American magical community dealing with prejudicein the form of the No-Maj (or “no magic”) New Salem Philanthropic Society, a sinister group out to kill wizards and witches。 The movie, directed by David Yates — who directed the final four Harry Potter movies — marks the screenwriting debut of Potter creator J.K。 Rowling。
小 雀斑埃迪·雷德梅恩将在《哈利·波特》的衍生剧中出演Newt Scamander,他是个在寻找影片名称中这些罕见超自然生物的魔法师。影片还讲述了美国的法师世界是如何与新塞勒姆反魔法慈善社的偏见做斗争的,后者 是一个四处追杀魔法师的邪恶组织。这部电影的导演是大卫·叶茨,《哈利·波特》的最后4部电影都是他导演的。这部电影是原著作者J.K。罗琳作为电影编剧 的处女作。
5。 《火车上的女孩》(The Girl on the Train)

This adaptation of Paula Hawkins’ best-seller stars Emily Blunt as a troubled woman who becomes fascinated by a seemingly perfect couple whose home she passes while riding the train — until one day, she thinks she witnesses a murder。
这部电影改编自Paula Hawkins的畅销小说,主演是艾米丽·勃朗特。她饰演的是一个深陷困境的女人,她一次次在乘火车的时候经过一家看起来十分美满的家庭,逐渐对这对夫妻的生活着迷,但之后她似乎目睹了一场谋杀案,而这一切也跟着改变。
6。 《奇异博士》(Doctor Strange)

The Marvel film stars Benedict Cumberbatch as the titular Sorcerer Supreme, and Tilda Swinton as The Ancient One。
7。 《谍影侠探:永不回头》(Jack Reacher: Never Go Back)

The sequel sees Tom Cruise reprising his role as the titular army officer-turned-drifter。
8。 《逗鸟外传:萌宝满天飞》(Storks)

The film is set in a world where storks no longer deliver babies, but rather packages for a global internet retail giant — until the company’s top stork accidentally activates the dusty Baby Making Machine and produces an authorized baby。
9。 《斯诺登》(Snowden)

The biopic stars Joseph Gordon-Levitt as NSA leaker Edward Snowden。
10。 《动物园好声音》(Sing)

Matthew McConaughey leads Universal’s animated film as a theater-owning koala who attempts to reverse his fortunes by holding the world‘s greatest singing competition。

(截图均取自The Hollywood Reporter)