“agree”这个简单词 你真的会用吗?
agree最常见用法莫过于Sb。 + agree with…,有些同学可能还知道agree to,agree on,agree sth。,agree to do和agree that的用法,可是各位可知道其中区别?我们首先来了解agree with和agree to。
The decision that has just beenagreed with by the committee members should serve as a basis fortheir work in the years to come。[错]
Look, you don’t have to agree withevery decision your kid makes。[对]
上两个句子中agreewith的宾语都是decision,为什么一对一错?这叫我们如何选择?[错]句中的with应该改为to,这里涉及 到agreeto和agree with意思上的差别,本质上是agree一词多义。我们来看美国传统词典对agree的解释:
你真的会用吗?“ title=”英语口语:“agree”这个简单词 你真的会用吗?“
1。 to grant consent; accede同意,赞同
2。 to come into or be in accord,as of opinion投合,一致;达到或处于一致的状态,如意见看法
agree to中的agree相当于grantconsent,这样agree to the decision = grant consent to thedecision对这个决定表示赞同/同意这个决定。值得注意的是,这里的“同意”指的是上级对下级、审核方对被审核方等地行为;如果不同意,申请 方就不能按照decision来执行。[错]句中的thedecision that has just been agreed with by the committeemembers中的committeemembers指“委员会成员”,主语部分似乎反映出这样一幅画面——某政府机关正在开新年规划 大会,各部门提交改革提案和决议,而committeemembers对这些提议逐项表决,如果通过则是agree to,而不是agree with。
另一方面,agreewith中的agree对应上述第二个意思——投合、一致。Agreewith强调“与对方意见一致”,[对]句的意思是 “你真的没有必要认同你孩子的每个决定”。这句话的言下之意是你可以不认同小孩的决定,但不一定非要阻止他们按照那些决定来行动。比如说,你的小孩决定去 美国读书,作为父亲的你虽然不同意这样的决定,但是却没有阻止他。我们再来看一例。
Diane, in all of our conversationsthis week, even with countries that did not agree with the decisionto go to war in Iraq, there is universal agreement now that we haveto make this work。 And I think we will get contributions。 We willget help from the international community。
这几句话来自一段ABC的新闻访谈。为什么这里用agreewith?我们注意到even with countries that did not agree with the decisionto go to war inIraq的意思是“即使是那些不同意攻打伊拉克的国家”,这里暗指美国决定攻打伊拉克,其它一些国家尽管不认同美国的决定,但是没法美国这么做,所以 用agreewith。而如果是美国参议院同意了布什提出攻打伊拉克的决定则须这么写
The United States Senate agreed toBush’s decision to go to war in Iraq。
Your story doesn’t agree with whatthe police have told us。
Green peppers don’t agree withme。我讨厌吃青椒。
下面我们来说说agreeon。柯林斯高阶英语词典给出了如下解释:If people agree on something, or in BritishEnglish if they agree something, they all decide to accept or dosomething。 看来agree on强调各方(至少得两方)在有争议的问题上达成一致意见,那么agreeon的主语至少得是复数形式或相当于复数形式,比如所柯林斯给的例句
The warring sides have agreed (on)an unconditional ceasefire。参战方均已同意无条件停火。
The warring sides have agreed tomake an unconditional ceasefire。
I agree that he should beinvited。