
2017年06月11日 10:15 新浪教育 微博
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  Shoes date back to the 8,000s BC – a very long history, indeed。 Over the millennia all manner of styles and materials have been used for shoes。 Some successful (the modern athletic shoe) and some not successful at all (lotus shoes)。 This list looks at ten bizarre styles of shoe from early to modern history。


  10.Okobo Japan, 18th century –today

  10、高跟木屐鞋 日本 18世纪至今

  Long before the 1970’s and the platform shoes, Japanese maiko (apprentice geisha) had been wearing Okobo sandals or clogs。 The reason for wearing these very high platform shoes was not solely for fashion, but also for very practical reasons。 If you are wearing a very expensive kimono that hangs all the way to your feet, you do not want to get mud on it when you walk outside。


  9。 Men’s high heels Europe, 1700’s

  9、男士高跟鞋 欧洲 18世纪

  Shoes and stockings became very important for men in the 1700’s, when the tailored coat and breeches came into fashion and the focus shifted to the lower body。 Suddenly, it was all about the shapely legs, and men wanted to wear flattering, fanciful hose and shoes to accentuate them。 Louis XIV also had a thing for high heels with red soles and heels。 It must have been tough being short in stature but lofty in power, so I guess he thought he would even it up a bit。

  18世纪,鞋子和长筒袜是(欧洲)男性 非常重要的物件,当时正流行定制外套和裤装,并且人们开始注意自己下半身的线条。人们突然都想要纤长的腿型,而且男士们想穿着优雅华丽的裤子和鞋子来衬托 自己的腿型。路易十四也对红色鞋底和鞋跟的高跟鞋情有独钟。有着强大的权力但是身材矮小一定是件很煎熬的事情,所以我猜他当时肯定想稍稍补救一下。

  8.kabkabs Lebanon, 14th-17th century

  8、卡卡鞋 黎巴嫩 14-17世纪

  Silver studded Wooden stilts known as “kabkabs” or “nalins” were once a practical way for women in the Middle East to protect themselves from dirt and discomfort on wet, muddy streets and in hot, wet bathhouses。 Those belonging to the wealthy were often richly inlaid with mother of pearl。 They were several inches high and had embroidered leather, silk or velvet straps。


  7.Plaited birch bark shoe Finland, mid 20th century

  7、褶皱桦树皮鞋 芬兰 20世纪中期

  In the early part of the 20th century, women wore bark shoes daily, with cloth foot wrap inserts。 They were also used as overshoes to protect more costly leather shoes against rain, mud and snow。 These shoes were commonly made from Birch bark, but they could also be made from linden or lime-tree bark。


  6。 Chopines Italy, 1580 – 1620

  6、软木厚底鞋 意大利 1580-1620年

  Today, only a very small number of museums have examples of original chopines。 The debut of these shoes was during the renaissance, but they were still the shoe of choice for many Italian women at the beginning of the 17th century。 Like the Japanese Okobo, Chopines were highly impractical, their primary purpose was to make the wearer stand out。


  5.Heelless shoes  2007

  5、无跟鞋 2007年

  I decided to put a couple of modern shoe designs here too, as they are just too bizarre to miss。 Heelless shoes made their debut on Antonio Berardi’s runway in 2007, and were made famous by Victoria Beckham in 2008。 And despite their unnatural and extremely uncomfortable look, according to their English Italian designer, they do not cause the wearer any pain。


  4.Padukas (Toe-knob sandals) India, 1700’s

  4、圣鞋(夹趾鞋) 印度 18世纪

  Ceremonial padukas, or toe-knob sandals, is the name of India’s oldest, and ultimate footwear。 They were little more than a sole with a post and knob, which was situated between the big toe and second toe。 They were commonly made from silver, wood, iron or even ivory。


  3。 Wooden Bridal Shoes France, late 19th century

  3、木质新娘鞋 法国 19世纪晚期

  Out of the Bethmale Valley, south of the city Saint Girons in the Ariege district, comes this high pointed bridal wooden shoe。 They go back as far as the 9th century, when local villagers conquered a camp of Moorish invaders, who kidnapped the village women, and pricked the hearts of their enemy on the pointed tips of their clogs, in celebration of their victory。


  2.The Ballet Boot 1980’s-present day

  2、芭蕾舞靴 20世纪80年代至今

  The ballet boot is a contemporary style of footwear。 They started as a fetish shoe, but have grown in popularity as a general fashion statement, particularly in Japan。 This shoe merges the look of the traditional ballet slipper with the ultimate high heel。 The illusion is to force the wearers feet almost en pointe, like those of a ballerina using an ultra long heel。


  1.Lotus Shoes China, from the 10th century to 2009

  1、金莲鞋 中国 10世纪到2009年

  The Han Chinese tradition of binding women’s feet to make them appear as small as a lotus bud lasted well over a thousand years。 Shoes from the north, especially Beijing, had a ‘bow’ shape, an exaggerated curved sole and heel in one piece, often with leather reinforcements at toe and heel。









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