There are so many things I wish I had known while growing up.No one ever tells you the hard truths of life。 Maybe it’s becausethey can’t stomach it, or maybe it’s because they think it’s justsomething you have to experience firsthand to understand。 Here aretwenty things nobody told you while growing up that would’ve beennice to know beforehand:
1。 You’re Going to Spend A Lot of Time Figuring StuffOut
Unless you’re one of the lucky few who already knows whattheir passion is and what you really enjoy, you will be spending alot of time trying new things and figuring out what you’re good atand what you like。 Don’t be afraid to try new things and fail atthem; failing builds character。 You have a lot of growing up to doin your 20s, a lot of self-examination and exploration。 Use thistime wisely to get to know yourself as best as you can–not that youwon’t change as you continue to get older, but it’s definitely atime of discovery, getting to know oneself and what you want inthis world and what you have to contribute to the world。
2。 Don’t Expect Smooth Seas
There will be many challenges, obstacles and curve balls swungyour way。 Just try to take life as it comes。 Don’t fight againstthe current because you’ll just wear yourself out。 If there’s adoor that is standing wide open for you and another that you’retrying to get through by knocking it down, sometimes it’s best totake the door that’s already open for you。 In other words don’t tryto be someone/something you’re not。
3。 Learn About Personal Finance Now
Learn how to budget and manage your money, how to open achecking/savings account, and how to use credit wisely and livewithin your means。 Your future self will thank you for it。 Buyquality items you can keep around for a long time to come, notcheap crap that breaks that you’ll have to buy again in a year.Invest in yourself, your education, your personal improvement, yourhealth and your relationships to others。
4。 Assume Change Will Come
Life is about change; don’t fight it and just go with it.Learn from your mistakes and grow。 Let go of things you can’tchange。 Sometimes change will be so painful you will want to ripyour heart out, but you’ll be okay if you just hang on and knowthat no matter what happens, you will be alright。 Win, lose ordraw, life will go on and you’ll get another chance to start yourlife over if things haven’t gone according to plan。
5。 Keep Your Plans Loose
Speaking of plans, keep them loose and flexible。 It’s good tohave an idea of things you want to accomplish and where you want tobe a couple years down the road, but honestly no one knows what’sgoing to happen tomorrow, let alone 5 years from now。 It’s fine tomake some plans but be flexible and willing to change them.Remember that people change and things happen that will push you inone direction or another。 Don’t waste time beating yourself upbecause your plans didn’t go the way you wanted。 Don’t worry aboutthings you can’t change; focus on making new plans/goals and whereyou will go from here。
6。 Time Is a Limited Resource
Nothing lasts forever。 Enjoy every moment that you have。 Enjoylife and practice being present in the moment because it goes byextremely fast。 There will be both good and bad times。 The badthing about up is there’s always a down。 It’s important to reallyenjoy and savor the good moments in life because you’ll need thosememories to reflect back on when the bad times come。 The first 10years after high school go by at a breakneck speed and before youknow it you’re 28 and wondering how the time has escaped you。
7。 Life is Hard
When you’re a teenager, you’re just at the beginning of yourlife’s lessons。 Life is the toughest teacher you will ever have。“Life is a cruel teacher。 She gives the test first, then thelesson。” Life will throw everything that it can at you; it will tryto break you and choke you until you can’t breathe, but you can’tlet it。
8。 You’re Only Young Once
Enjoy being young while you are still young! Enjoy being youngas much as possible。 Enjoy the metabolism and the fun times。 Crossstuff off your bucket list while you’re young because no one knowshow much time you truly have。 Don’t wait until you’re old and can’tor may not be able to do the things you really want to experience.Seriously, you may be broke while you’re young, but that doesn’tmatter。 You’ve got time to make money and settle down。 Travel,explore and do what your heart desires now。 You can still getmarried, have children and a household and career starting in your20s if you want, but you should try to balance your life with equalamounts of responsibility and fun。 The last thing you want to do islook back on missed chances。
9。 Make Your Health a Priority, Not anOption
Once you get into your late 20s and early 30s your body isgoing to start losing metabolism and energy。 You’re going to starthurting and going to bed earlier。 Start eating better andexercising。 Don’t think of it as a choice。 Start developing ahealthier lifestyle and soon it will become habit。 Take care ofyourself physically, mentally and spiritually。
10。 Attitude Determines Your Altitude
Attitude is everything and that’s not something they teach youin school。 Having a good attitude can make all the difference inyour life。 It makes life easier and happier when you have apositive outlook and are able to keep your attitude light andflexible when dealing with other people and with life’schallenges。
11。 How You Treat People Matters
Treating people with respect and decency can get you a longway in the world。 Remember that “honey attracts more flies thanvinegar。” Being nice to people really does actually matter topeople。 You won’t get anywhere tearing other people down or blamingothers for anything。 Take responsibility for yourself, your actionsand your feelings。
12。 Relationships Don’t Come Easy
Choosing a life partner/spouse is hard。 Relationships ingeneral are hard, not just romantic ones but friendships and familyrelations as well。 Stay in touch with people who you really careabout and who really care about you。 Make an effort to stay anactive person in their life if you really care。 You will not haveas many close friends as you get older and you will probably losesome friends as well。 Remember that it is okay, not everyone whocomes into your life is meant to stay forever; let them go andcherish the people who are still in your life。
13。 Be Prepared To Deal With Changes inRelationships
Look at your time with exes and be thankful; even though itdidn’t work out, at least you got to experience it and learn fromit。 You rolled the dice and lost, but at least you took a chance!Don’t think that just because something wasn’t meant to be for yourentire life doesn’t mean it didn’t add value and was right whereyou needed to be at the time。
In your 20s, especially if you have a family, it gets harderand harder to spend time with friends because of so many differenttime demands。 You will be pulled in every direction and it’s up toyou to decide what your priorities are。 Having a couple of closefriends you can rely on can make a difference in your life。 As theysay “shared joy is doubled, shared sorrow is halved。”
14。 Take Every Chance You Get
Life is about taking chances, grabbing opportunities andtaking risks。 Don’t be afraid to try something new, move somewherenew, work somewhere new, meet new people and learn somethingnew。
15。 Let Go of Expectations
Expectations ruin everything and most of the time ourexpectations are too high for those around us and for ourselves。 Noone is perfect and nothing is ever going to be perfect。 The fasteryou can learn this and let go of too high or false expectations,the easier life will come to you。 Expectations bring heartache andonly cause harm。 Expect nothing and appreciate everything。
16。 Life Is Complex。 Try Not to Worry
Don’t worry because everyone has ups and downs。 It’s just howlife is。 Life is extremely messy and complicated, but don’t despairbecause things will work out in the end。 Keep living and keep ondoing what you enjoy。 Don’t be too hard on yourself。
17。 You Get What You Put In
Happiness, love and confidence come from within。 Life is whatyou make of it and what you put into it。 You can create whateverlife you want, and if you create that life and it doesn’t work foryou anymore, guess what? You can create a whole new life that doeswork。 You may not have a choice in things that happen to you butyou have a choice in how you react to them。 Try to stay positive nomatter what life throws at you and get through the tough times bytalking to friends, family and a counselor if you need to。
18。 You Will Face Rejection
You will be rejected at some point in your life。 Rejectionhurts at the very core of your being, but try not to take it toopersonally。 Oftentimes, when you’re rejected it has nothing to dowith you and everything to do with the person rejecting you。 Takeit in stride, let it slide off your back and move on。 I know thisis easier said than done, but it will go a long way in making youfeel better and happier。
19。 You Will Not Have Everything Figured Out AnytimeSoon
If you don’t have everything figured out by the time you’re30, you’re not alone。 If you’re not where you want to be in yourlife or career, don’t sweat it, you still have time。 Some peoplenever figure out what they really want to do with their lives, butthey get a lot of great experience, learn new things and cantransfer their skills to many types of jobs。 If you know what youwant to do in life, start doing it immediately, practice it as muchas possible and you will get better at it。
20。 Love More and Keep Your Heart Open
Love is all that really matters in the end。 Give of yourselfmore than anything。 Try to be patient, empathetic, understanding,caring and gentle with other people。 Get to know people better byasking questions and listening attentively。 People usually like totalk about themselves and questions are a great way to getconversations going。 Love people for who they are, just as theyare, and realize that everyone is a work in progress! Life is acontinual work in progress。 We’re all just trying to find our way,and we’re all confused and looking for contentment。 Life is ajourney, and happiness is not a destination to arrive at, but a wayof living。