Aries 白羊座

Aries can be best viewed in the night sky during the month of November。 Your persistence will lead you to success。 But your impulsive temper can cause problems。
Taurus 金牛座

Taurus can be best viewed in the night sky during the month of December。 You might be a little bit slow-witted, but your persistence and willpower will make it up。
Gemini 双子座

Gemini can be best viewed in the night sky during the month of January。 Your mutable motivation brings adaptability。
Cancer 巨蟹座

Cancer can be best viewed in the night sky during the month of February。 Good memory is your born gift。
Leo 狮子座

Leo can be best viewed in the night during the month of March。 Being steadfast in pursuing your goals will definitely improve your confidence。 But remember to keep a good balance between self-confidence and humility。
Virgo 处女座

Virgo can be best viewed during the month of April。 A tidy living condition is very important for Virgo。 Diligence is your advantage。
Libra 天秤座

Libra can be best viewed in the night sky during the month of May。 Your great need is to share, to be fair and impartial, which will help you a lot。
Scorpio 天蝎座

Scorpio has an astronomical name of Scorpius。 It can be best viewed in the night sky during the month of June。 Study would never be a problem for Scorpio。 You just need more confidence。
Sagittarius 射手座

Sagittarius can be best viewed in the night sky during the month July。 You definitely have talent。 You just need to be more focused。
Capricorn 摩羯座

Capricorn has an astronomical name of Capricornus。 It can be best viewed in the night sky during the month of August。 Persistence and caution are your great merits。
Aquarius 水瓶座

Aquarius can be best viewed in the night sky during the month of September。 As an Aquarius, you are an adaptable person。 But the problem is that you might try many new things while end up mastering none。
Pisces 双鱼座

Pisces can be best viewed in the night sky during the month of October。 Pisces is a water sign, ruled by mystical Neptune。 This sign is rather receptive to new ideas, compassionate, and thoughtful。
来源:51Talk无忧英语 ID:woyaotalkenglish