1。 The Court‘s Decision
Sir。 Clark, I have reviewed this case very carefully, the divorce court Judge said, and I‘ve decided to give your wife $775 a week。
That‘s very fair, Your Honor, the husband said。 and every now and then I’ll try to send her a few bucks myself。“
Explanation: When the Judge used the verb “give”, he meant his decision would give the woman $775。 It is normally the husband‘s duty (his requirement) to pay the alimony。 But this man, when he heard the word “give”, thought the Judge would pay it。
2。 What‘s his name?
Bob told Betty that he had an acquaintance with a wooden leg named Smith。 So Betty asked him “That‘s very curious。 What was the name of his other leg?”
Bob 跟Betty说,他认识一个叫Smith的木腿。于是,Betty问他,“有点意思,那他的另一条腿叫什么?”
Explanation: Bob should have said he had “an acquaintance named Smith with a wooden leg”。 The way he said it, it seems the wooden leg‘s name is Smith!
解释:Bob 想说的是“一个有一条木腿的叫Smith的熟人”。而他那么说的话,给人感觉那条木腿叫Smith。
3。 Perfect Hearing
Three retirees, each with a hearing loss, were playing golf one fine March day。 One remarked to the other, “Windy, isn‘t it?”
“No,” the second man replied, “it‘s Thursday。”
And the third man chimed in, “So am I。 Let‘s have a beer。”
Explanation: The second man thought “Windy” was Wednesday (so he replied “No, it‘s Thursday”) then the third man thought “Thursday” was “thirsty” (so he thought of drinking some beer!)。
解释:第二个人以为“Windy(阴天)”是“Wednesday(星期三) ”,所以他回答说“不,是星期四。”然后第三个人以为“Thursday(星期四)”是“thirsty(渴)”(所以他还想着喝点啤酒呢!)。