研究显示:女生人数多男生成绩就差?Boys' English grades are up to atenth worse when high numbers of girls are in the class with them,though girls' grades are unaffected。 当班上女生人数较多时,男生的英语成绩要下降10%,而女生们的成绩则不受影响。 Boys do worse in English when thereare girls in their class, researchers will say today, contradictingthe widely held belief that girls are always a good influence onboys in school。 研究人员今天宣称,当班上女生人数较多时,男生的英语就会变得较差。而人们以往普遍认为,在学校中,女生对男生总是有积极影响。 Boys do best with "as few girls aspossible" in English lessons at primary and secondary school, StevenProud, a research student at Bristol University, will tell theRoyal Economic Society's conference。 布里斯托大学的研究生史蒂文·普劳德将在皇家经济学会的会议上宣布:对于小学与初中的英语课而言,女生越少,男生成绩越好。 But when it comes to maths andscience, both boys and girls at primary school achieve up to a tenth of a grade more whenthere is a high proportion of girls in the class, Proudfound。 然而史蒂文·普劳德同时发现在数学与科学学科上,女生人数多对男女生都有积极影响——成绩可以提高10%。 Proud tracked boys' and girls' testresults at the ages of seven, 11, 14 and 16 in 16,000 schools inEngland between 2002 and 2004 for his PhD。 2002年至2004年间,普劳德为了完成他的博士研究课题,跟踪查询了英格兰16000所学校里7岁、11岁、14岁、16岁的男女生测试成绩。 He analysed the test scores to seewhether the proportion of girls in a year group made adifference to the results of both genders in maths, science andEnglish。 为了研究女生所占比例对所有学生的数学、科学以及英语成绩的影响,他对测试分数进行了分析。 There are marginally moreboys than girls in schools, but most classes in mixed schools arealmost equally split between the genders. Proud looked atthese and schools that were exceptional in their high or low proportion ofgirls。 男生数目比女生数目要稍多一些,但是在大多数学校的班级中,两性比例基本是平衡的。普劳德研究的对象是那些女生所占比例超低或者超高的学校。 Boys consistently perform upto a tenth of a grade worse when they study English withhigh numbers of girls as opposed to few or no girls, Proudfound。 普劳德发现,相对班上没有或者有很少女生的班级而言,当班上女生人数较多时,男生的英语成绩总是会下降10%。 The more girls there are in anEnglish class, the worse boys perform. This is particularly the case in primary schools, he discovered。 普劳德发现,这种现象在小学尤其明显,女生越多,男生的英语就学得越差。 Proud will argue that his resultsshow boys should be taught English in single-sexclasses。 普劳德提议依照研究成果来看,男生学习英语应该被安排在一个都是男生的班级里。 Girls, who outperform boys in Englishat every stage at school, are unaffected by thenumber of boys in their English classes。 而女生的英语成绩则不受男生人数影响,她们在学校的所有学习阶段英语表现都要强过男生。 Girls also do better when there aresome boys who receive free school meals in their class, Proudfound。 普劳德还发现,当班上有几个吃免费学校餐的男生时,女生们的表现会更好。 He said: "The results imply that boyswould benefit atall ages from being taught English with as small a proportion ofgirls as possible. In maths and science, the results tend to imply that bothboys and girls benefit from having more girls in theclassroom. A mix of the genders in both science and maths isoptimal." 普劳德称:“研究结果表明,如果能降低英语课上的女生人数比例,所有年龄组男生的英语成绩都将受益。在数学和科学学科上,研究结果表明女生多对班级中的男女生都有好处。数学与科学学科中,性别混合是最优化的选择。” Proud said boys may do worse inEnglish when there is a high proportion of girls in their class becausethey realise that the girls are better than them. It could also bethat teachers use teaching styles more appropriate to girls when there are more girls than boys in the class. Bothgenders perform better in maths and science at primary school when thereare more girls in the class because boys tend to disrupt the class more, hesaid。 普劳德认为男生的英语成绩被女生人数影响的原因是男生会认识到女生在英语方面要比他们强。也有可能是老师的教学方式在女生较多之时更加适合女生。而在小学数学与科学课程中,女生人数的增加使得喜欢扰乱课堂秩序的男生们没那么猖狂了,因此男女生都能从中受益。 Professor Alan Smithers, director of theCentre for Education and Employment Research at the University ofBuckingham, said girls started school with slightly better verbal skills,while boys started with a slightly greater aptitude formaths。 白金汉大学教育与职业研究中心的艾伦·史密瑟斯教授认为,开始学校教育之时,女孩们在口头表达方面要比男孩们稍稍强一些,而男孩们对数学的热情要比女孩高。 "Boys might be discouraged by howwell girls are doing in English," he said, "but that still does notexplain why they would do better in maths and science with a higher proportion of girls in their class。 “女生们的表现使得男生们在英语上有挫败感,”教授称,“但这不能解释为何女生比例高时,他们的数学与科学表现也较好。”