
2013年10月23日11:20  新浪教育 微博   




  1 Start Before I Finish半途而废;

  I will complete tasks to done, before starting new ones. Better to have finished the few important ones, that to have started lots of little ones.

  2 Put If Off 拖延症;

  When it comes to the tasks I don’t want to do, I will adopt a “Just Do It Now” attitude. Do those unsavory tasks early in the day and get them out-of-the-way.

  3 Take On Unnecessary Tasks接受不必要的任务指派;

  I will say “No” where appropriate to tasks that are outside my domain. After all, you can’t get your work done if you are doing everyone else’s job.

  4 Second Guess Decisions举棋不定;

  Few decisions cannot be changed later if needed. Better to take action that wallow in inaction.

  5 Check Email 50 Times不停刷新邮箱;

  I love it when someone asks, “Did you get my email?” Um, when did you send it? “Like 10 minutes ago.” No. No, I didn’t. Check email periodically when it makes sense in your schedule. And turn off those new mail dings and notifications.

  6 Waste Time at the Proverbial Water-cooler在茶水间浪费时间;

  Some people waste a large percentage of their day “chatting it up” in the workplace. Instead, get your work done, and get out.

  7 Answer the Phone随时接听电话;

  I won’t answer the phone while in the middle of something, meeting with someone else, or especially if I don’t know who is calling.

  8 Wait For the Perfect Plan 待到万事俱备只欠东风时才行动;

  A good plan now, always beats a perfect plan next week. Circumstances are never going to be perfect. Don’t wait.

  9 Attend Unnecessary Meetings参加不必要的会议;

  Meetings are the single biggest time-waster in the workplace. Practice the “right to decline” when you do not need to be in attendance.

  10 During Meetings在开会时工作;

  I will check my tech at the door during meetings. No open laptops. No phones or tablets. And no, you can’t work during my meeting either.

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