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Sharpening Your Writing Skills,Writing Effective Sentences(刘玉萍)

http://www.sina.com.cn 2001/11/16 14:00  新浪教育



  Here is a typical conversation between students.

  "Hey, Bill, what's happening?"

  "Not much, Mary. The usual."

  "How're things going?"

  "O.K., I guess."

  Millions of people talk to each other like this every day. This conversation was appropriate in this situation, and there is nothing wrong with exchanges like these. When you write compositions and other assignments, however, the situations are much different. You will want to use more energy, care, and thought than you would use in daily conversations like the one between Mary and Bill.In this lesson you will learn how the following can help to make your sentences more effective:

  1. Specific and concrete nouns and verbs

  2. Adjectives and adverbs

  3. Intensifiers

  4. Similes and metaphors

  5. Sense words (下节省略)

    Stage One Using Specific Language(具体内容略)

    Stage Two Sentence Spice(具体内容略)

    Stage Three Sense Words(具体内容略) (《新策》http://www.xinceedu.com/)

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