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http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/05/08 13:15  《高考》

  51. I _____ to take a holiday this summer, but I had to change my plan .

  A. would hope B. was hoping

  C. had been hoped D. had hoped

  52.—I heard Back Street would sing at the New Theater.

  —Where did you _____?

  A. pick that up B. put that up

  C. make that up D. take that up

  53.—Are you satisfied with her answer?

  —Not at all. It couldn't have been _____.

  A. worse B. so bad

  C. better D. the worse

  54. I will give the book to _____ wants to read it.

  A. whoever B. whomever

  C. who D. whom

  55.—Thank you very much.

  —You are welcome. I was _____ glad to help.

  A. too much B. only too

  C. not so D. very much

  56. If _____ the same treatment again, hes sure to get well.

  A. giving B. give

  C. given D. being given

  57. His bestknown work that is _____ all praise can be seen in the museum.

  A. with B. beyond

  C. without D. within

  58.—What do you think of the book?

  —Oh, excellent. It is worth _____ second time.

  A. to read a B. to read the

  C. reading a D. being read the

  59. Let us hope we can settle the matter without _____ more trouble.

  A. any B. a little C. Some D. little

  60. Charles did what he could _____ the servant, although he himself w as in danger.

  A. rescue B. rescued

  C. to rescue D. rescuing

  61.—Mary, would you like to come to my birthday party?


  A. Of course, you could

  B. Sure. Go ahead

  C. Sorry, you may not

  D. No, you mustn’t

  62.—What's the old man standing there?

  —He is _____, a new comer.

  A. Mr. White B. an engineer

  C. Joe D. Joe’s brother

  63.—When _____ you return the dictionary to me?

  —Only when I _____ you next Sunday.

  A. will;see B. do;will see

  C. will;will see D. do;see

  64. If you carry on working like this, you will _____ sooner or later.

  A. give off B. get down

  C. break down D. hold on

  65.—Have you got your test result?

  —Not yet. The papers _____.

  A. are still being correctedB. are not correcting

  C. have already been corrected

  D. have not corrected

  66. If you keep on, you’ll succeed _____. Wish you success in the examinations.

  A. in time B. at one time

  C. for the same time D. sometimes

  67.—When are you leaving?

  —My plane _____ at six.

  A. took off B. is about to take off

  C. takes off D. will take off

  68. I need some red ink badly, but theres _____ at hand.

  A. nothing B. a little C. none D. not

  69. Is there a cinema around _____ I can see a movie?

  A. that B. which C.swheresD. what

  70. You can go out _____ you promise to be back before 11 oclock.

  A. so that B. as far as

  C. so long as D. in case

  71. There are fortyfive students in our class, and they are _____ in terested in football.

  A. most B. almost C. nearly D. mostly

  72.—The girls in blue are our new classmates.

  —I know _____.

  A. these B. so C. such D. that

  73. It is too early in the _____ to expect many visitors to the city.

  A. time B. hour C. season D. term

  74. Don’t _____ to correct me if I made a mistake.

  A. pause B. stop C. mind D. hesitate

  75.—You must call them every week.

  —Yes, I _____.

  A. must B. should C. have to D. will



  51. D hope动作发生在had to change动作之前,是“过去的过去”,故用过去完成时。

  52. A pick up为“获悉或打听到消息”之意。

  53. A can’t/couldnt与比较级连用时表示“再也没有更……的了”。

  54. A whoever在引导的名词性从句中作主语,整个从句做介词to的宾语。此处可用anyone who来替换。

  55. B too…to…前面有only时表示肯定含义。

  56. C 在条件状语从句中,如果其主语和主句的主语一致,那么可以把条件句中的主语和系动词be同时省略。此题中即是在If后省略了he is。

  57. B 此处beyond意为“超出(……的范围)”。句子的意思是:在博物馆将会看到他那令人赞叹不已的最出名的作品。

  58. C be worth doing本身就表示被动含义,即“值得做某事”。a second time表示不确定的“第二次”,实为“又一次”,并非特定,故不用the。

  59. A any一般用在具有否定意义的短语或句子当中。

  60. C 此题中could后省略了do,而不定式to rescue是目的状语。

  61. B 根据问句“玛丽,你能来参加我的生日聚会吗?”答句应当表明“我”的想法,而选项A、C、D都是“你……”,显然不符合题意。

  62. B 根据问句“站在那边的那个老人是干什么的?”可知询问人的职业。

  63. A 以if, when, before, as soon as等引导的条件句和时间状语从句通常用一般时态表示将来。

  64. C break down意为“不支”,“病倒”,“衰弱”。

  65. A 根据题意应选用被动语态的选项, B、D被排除。之所以没有得到结果,因为试卷还没改完,即“正改着呢”。

  66. A in time此处意为“sooner or later”即“早晚”,“终究”。in time另外的一个意义是“及时”。

  67. C 因为主语是飞机并非“我”,所以此句只是说明“飞机6点起飞”这个事实。主语若是“我”,则可以说: I am leaving at six.

  68. C

  69. C where引导定语从句修饰cinema。

  70. C as/so long as在此表示“只要”、“如果”,相当于on condition that。

  71. D most常用来修饰形容词和副词;nearly, almost表示“几乎”、“差一点”,用在本题意思不通顺;mostly意为“主要的”;“几乎全部(almost all)”,本句意思是“我们班有45名同学,他们大部分对足球感兴趣。”

  72. D that用来指已说过的人和事。so常跟在某些词,如think, hope, believe, expect , imagine, suppose等之后,替代肯定结构。

  73. C 本句意为“对这个城市来说,现在还不是旅游旺季。”

  74. D mind意为“介意”、“反对”时,用在否定、疑问、条件句中以及答复询问的肯定句中,本句是祈使句,故不选C。hesitate意为“踌躇”、“犹豫”,可跟动词不定式。

  75. D 此题需要考虑动词的时态,因为“我(将)会每星期叫他们的。”其中内含将来时。


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