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http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/08/21 16:47  自助留学丛书


  申诉信在英语中是“Appeal Letter”,原来是一个法律用词,是申请者对于不服现有的判决而向上一级裁判机构提出的驳斥现有判决的法律或商业陈述。美国签证中的申诉信,是签证申请者对于不合理、不公正的拒签加以阐述、驳斥,以书面形式递交给另外一位签证官的文件。与普通申诉信不同的是,你在美国签证中的申诉信的阅读者是同一领事馆签证处


  关于申诉信的必要性和什么情况下需要申诉信,我要重申一下我们一向遵循的原则。能否顺利拿到美国签证,关键在于良好的面试表现,在于申请者对自己的了解,对自己在美国所要学的Program的了解和对自己将来目标的了解,也就是我们常说的三个W。只有这样,申请者才能在面试中拥有自信,对于签证官的各种问题游刃有余,才能拿到签证。所以申请者应该重点准备自己的面试,提高自己的面试技能,而不要盲目相信申诉信。只有在以下情况你才可能需要申诉信:1、至少拒签两次,一签,二签不需要申诉信;2、签证官的拒签有明显的不合理。如我们的一个客户去美国读LLM,而签证官却认为她没有工作经验,不符合LLM的要求。这种明显的错误就可以通过申诉信来驳斥,学校(而且还是美国法学名校)已经录取了说明专职工作经验并不是学LLM必需的;自己过去的兼职工作虽不是专职,却是学校认可的Quality Experience,自己有能力,有资格去学LLM;3、自己的案例特别复杂,与大部分签证者不同,但一两分钟的时间又说不清楚。例如,我们就有一个客户,在央行做了10年的银行监管工作,又在商行做了5年的业务操作,当时去美国一名校学银行法,这种情况乍一看是十分弱的,通过的几率很小。像他这种精英就应该去公派出国培训,而不是脱产像其他年轻学生一样脱产去学习。但是这里面有一个情况是,该学校的Program in Banking Law的招收对象正是他这种人。这种情况下,他就可以通过申诉信或者自述信来阐述该Program的特殊性和自己的“培训”动机(不是“学习”目的)。


  1、一定要简洁,易懂,要符合英语书信写作的规范(be brief and idiomatic)


  以下是一个学生写的申诉信中的一段:“I planed to follow Professor XXX to design drugs for cancer in the following years. Cancer is the excessive growth of morbid cell, which is the response to some carcinogen an normal cell subjected. Professor Riedel's research just focuses on the receptors, the mediator between the events in and out of a cell mentioned above. Through the research in the receptors, we will figure out the structure and detailed mechanism of the drug which can cover the sensitive areas of the receptor to prevent the normal cells from becoming ill. The fruit of this research will be a credible guide for synthesizing drugs, working out new standards for more convenient medical screening and explaining the marvelous function of Chinese herbal medicines.”


  2、要中肯,切题(direct and to the point)


  3、驳斥要坚定有力(be forceful)


  Dear Visa Officers:

  As one of China's very few legal professionals privileged with the financial resources to undertake advanced legal studies in the US, I was greatly surprised by your rejection of my application for a student visa. The rejection represents a blow to not only my hope for enhanced legal expertise but also America's professed commitment to seeing the rule of law prevail in China.

  Already on the cutting-edge of China's maritime law, I have to study in a Western law school if I am to further improve my expertise in my field of specialty.shavingsbeen trained as part of the country's first postgraduate program in maritime law, I have been working for several years as an in-house legal counsel with the XXX Association, handling over 100 claims every year in relation to shipping contracts. My legal education and legal practice are already the best possible in China.

  By attending an American law school, I can acquire the kind of professional skills and social values that China needs most and America can teach the best.……

  The rejection of my visa application probably means that the only Chinese who is both intellectually and financially capable of undertaking advanced studies in maritime law in your country is refused entry. This, I think, runs counter to not only my personal interest but also the interest of our respective countries. After all, more, not fewer, Chinese students had better learn the American legal concepts and principles, if our two peoples are to live in peace and do business with each other. It is not likely that you will see another Chinese student like me anytime soon, although your office seems swarmed everyday with Chinese students seeking visas.

  I stand apart from other Chinese students also in that I have a clear and immediate purpose for my studies. My family's company, xxx,needs me to take charge of its legal affairs as it expands.……Given the international nature of its business, the cost of my legal education in the US is not only a piece of cake but also great investment.

  Now that my family has made its fortunes and is poised to make even more in China, there is no reason why I would not return to China after I complete my studies in the US. Although America is obviously richer than China in overall terms, I do not think many American families can make more than 1 million US dollars a year. Nor do I think that I will stand a better chance in a foreign land than average Americans on their home turf. Unless I go crazy, I will not exchange my virtually guaranteed future with my family company in my home country for the uncertain life of an illegal immigrant in your country.

  Adding to the already compelling reasons above for my return to China is my wife, who will be staying in China when I leave for the US.……

  My property, career and family ties to China are so strong that it has never occurred to me that I will be building up my career and realizing my dreams anywhere other than in China. If you carefully examine all the facts about me, I am sure that you would not suppose that I might want to stay in your country over the limit of my visa. Please kindly act accordingly. The right decision on my application would be good not only to me personally but also to the process of training a new generation of Chinese professionals who can readily understand the essence of the American point of view.

  Yours sincerely



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