美国大学及奖学金概述 Resume的注意事项 | |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/09/18 10:58 寄托天下 | |
2003.09.05提纲 主讲人:陈起永(东成西就www.east2west.com.cn) Today's Concentrations 一、美国大学简介 二、美国研究生院及奖学金 三、Fall 2004奖学金及签证形式 四、Resume注意事项 一、美国大学简介 1.美国大学分类:公立、私立 公立一般是州立学校(state-assisted),一般名称上有显著特征。 University of California, Los Angeles University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Michigan State University 私立学校: Northwestern University Harvard University Cornell University Brown University 2.美国大学-大学与地理位置的关系 二、美国研究生院及奖学金 1.美国大学学制和学费 学制:Semester-System(Fall, Spring) Quarter-System(Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer) 学费:私立:有名气的很贵(参考,000-27,000)如Harvard, Northwestern….名气较差的、地理位置偏僻,学费低得多 公立:一般便宜得多(相对私立学校)。UC系列州立学校较贵 In State Tuition,out-of-state tuition。 2.美国研究生院奖学金简介 Fellowship (捐赠, gift) Teaching Assistantship (TSE >= 50 is required in some states) Research Assistantship (Seldom offered to first-year graduate students without a Master degree)Graduate Assistantship 常见词:Tuition Waiver, Out of State Tuition, In-State Tuition, Stipend 全奖:Tuition Waiver+Stipend (-1,900/month,plus Insurance sometimes) (e.g.) 3.三种常见奖学金获得方式 The professor (usually your prospective advisor) recommends you to the Graduate Admission Committee for the Fellowship or TA scholarship. (Financial aid comes from the University or the Department.) The professor (your prospective advisor) offers you with a RA scholarship. (Financial aid comes from the professor's project funds) The Graduate Admission Committee recommends a certain number of candidates for the Department and offers them financial aid. Key Individuals: (1). Your prospective advisor (2). Graduate Advisor or Graduate Coordinator,Director of the Graduate Admissions 举例:给Graduate Advisor的申诉套辞。套辞目的:排除TOEFL低分不利因素 4.美国研究生院录取给奖机制---综合实力排序 (1). GPA, Ranking, institutions she/he has attended (倾向于招收经常有学生出国的学校的学生。利用先例、创造先例) (2). Professional experience, Research achievements, and potential as a successful professor or researcher (A worker only is not popular.) (3). PS, Letters of Recommendation, Resume, Application Forms, & other materials. (4). The availability of faculty members with same or close research interests (The power of "Taoci" is shown here. (5). GRE/GMAT/SUB, TOEFL scores, (TSE >=50 is a big plus for your application.) (6). Other 举例:Cornell据信给我们的启示 5. Offer是怎样获得的 三.展望Fall 2004奖学金及签证形式 1.奖学金 2.签证 四、Resume注意事项 |