中国教育国际交流协会简介 | |
---|---| 2003/10/10 16:07 新浪教育 | |
China Education Association for International Exchange (CEAIE ) 中国教育国际交流协会是中国教育界开展对外教育交流的全国性非官方机构。1981年7月,经中华人民共和国国务院批准成立。1991年,在中华人民共和国民政部注册。1994年,在联合国注册为国际性非政府组织;隶属于中华人民共和国教育部。 China Education Association for International Exchange (CEAIE), which is affiliated to the Ministry of Education of China, is China's nationwide non-governmental organization for conducting international educational exchange. It was founded in July 1981 with the approval of the State Council of the People's Republic of China. In 1991, it was registered with the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the PRC. It was registered with the United Nations as an international NGO in 1994. 中国教育国际交流协会的宗旨是为适应中国社会主义现代化建设的需要,积极推动中国教育界同世界各国、各地区的交流与合作,促进教育、科技和文化事业的发展,增进各国和各地区人民之间的了解和友谊。 CEAIE has a full commitment to meeting the needs of China's socialist modernization construction, developing exchanges and cooperation between the Chinese educational community and other parts of the world, promoting the advancement of education, culture, science and technology, and strengthening understanding and friendship among the peoples of all countries and regions. 中国教育国际交流协会的基本任务是同各国、各地区教育科研机构、学术团体、教育科技交流组织、学校及热心支持教育事业的组织、企业、基金会及其它相关人士等,在平等友好的原则下,开展广泛的交流与合作活动。 As its basic missions, CEAIE extensively conducts exchange and cooperation by working together with educational and research institutions, academic bodies, exchange organizations, schools as well as organizations, enterprises, foundations and individuals in other countries and regions who are enthusiastic in supporting educational development on the basis of principles of equality and friendship. 中国教育国际交流协会和中国各地方教育国际交流协会联合构成非官方中国教育国际交流的网络。中国教育国际交流协会是该网络的中心,具有指导、协调各省、自治区、直辖市以及单列市教育国际交流协会及其团体会员单位工作的责任。迄今为止,全国已有31个省、自治区、直辖市建立了地方协会,另有9个城市建立了独立的市级协会。中国教育国际交流协会现有95个团体会员单位,与45个国家和地区的160多个教育组织和团体建立了长期的交流合作关系。 CEAIE and its local chapters constitute the Chinese international educational exchange network. As the center of this network, CEAIE provides professional directions and coordination to its 95 member institutions including local educational associations for international exchange in 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities as well as in 9 other cities. So far, CEAIE has established long-term working relationships with over 160 educational organizations in 45 countries and regions. 中国教育国际交流协会的经费来自五个方面:通过执行政府委托项目所取得的资助;通过对会员单位和社会开展有偿服务所取得的报酬;会费收入;募集基金和国内外捐赠和其它。 CEAIE's sources of fund come from the Chinese government's appropriation, various services it offers, membership fees, corporate and individual donations, and other avenues. 中国教育国际交流协会的最高权力机构是理事会。理事会成员由全国各地教育国际交流协会、团体会员单位、有关教育部门、各级各类学校、以及企业、金融界热心国际教育交流事业的人士协商推举产生。理事会成员任期五年。理事会每二年举行一次会议。 The highest governing body of CEAIE is the Council. The Council members are recommended by CEAIE local chapters, education departments at the national or provincial level, educational institutions of various kinds and individuals in the business and financial circles who are enthusiastic in supporting international educational exchange. The term of their service is five years. The Council conferences are convened once every two years. 理事会设有常务理事会。理事会闭幕期间由常务理事会行使理事会职责。常务理事由理事推选,并从常务理事中推选会长、副会长。 The CEAIE Council sets up its Standing Council. When the Council is not in session, the Standing Council assumes its responsibilities. The Council members elect its President, Vice Presidents and other Standing Council Members. 中国教育国际交流协会的日常办事机构为秘书处。秘书长由会长提名,经理事会通过后任命。副秘书长由秘书长提名,会长任命。 The executive body of CEAIE is the Secretariat that undertakes its day-to-day operations. Its Secretary General is nominated by the President and approved by the Council. The Deputy Secretaries General are nominated by the Secretary General and appointed by the President. 通讯地址:中国北京西城区大木仓胡同37号,邮编: 100816 办公地址:北京市复兴门内大街160号逸夫会议中心二层,邮编: 100816 Mailing Address: 37 Damucang Hutong, Beijing, China, Postal Code: 100816 电话: 86-10-66416582传真: 86-10-6641 6156 网址: Office Location: Yifu Conference Center 160, Fuxingmennei Dajie, Beijing, China, Postal Code: 100816 Tel: 86-10-6641 6582 Fax: 86-10-6641 6156 Website: |