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Technische Universiteit Eindhoven

http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/02/07 18:13  新浪教育

Institute’s Name

Technische Universiteit Eindhoven


The Netherlands

Institute’s Name(Chinese)





                              PO Box 513   Eindhoven

Postal Code

5600 MB

Contact person

                       Student Service Center




0031 40 247 8015


0031 40 244 1692



Year of Establishment: 1956

Academic level: University,

Major area of professions/programs : Engineering

Current accreditation status in the local educational authority: All courses received accreditation by law.

[Source of Information]: CROHO (IB-group, Groningen, The Netherlands)

Currently approved to issue academic degrees? Yes

[Approved by]: Ministry of Education, Culture and Science

Number of on board students:


The ratio of Faculty Staff to students:

Approx. 0.4

Ratio of international students to Chinese students:

Approx. 28% of international master students has

 Chinese nationality

Institution Description

Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (TU/e) offers a wide variety of engineering courses and is located in one of the leading

technological centers of Europe. It is a small university with approximately 6800 students and

 one educational concept Design-Oriented Education.  TU/e puts high value on personal coaching and provides its teachers

and students with modern information and communication techniques.

TU/e is a research-driven university of technology that wants to create an intellectually stimulating and challenging

study and work climate for its students and employees. It is also an international university operating at the

highest level in the international scientific and academic world.

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