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Wellington High School

http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/02/07 20:26  新浪教育

Institute’s Name

Wellington High School


New Zealand

Institute’s Name(Chinese)





  PO Box 4035, Wellington, New Zealand

Postal Code


Contact person  

  Prue Kelly




0064 4 385 8911


0064 4 3829226



Year of Establishment: 1886

Academic level: (University, College, High School, Language School, Vocational institution…etc):         High School

Major area of professions/programs : Broad general education with preparation for University entrance examonations

Current accreditation status in the local educational authority: accredited

[Source of Information]: New Zealand Qualification Authority

Currently approved to issue academic degrees? n/a

[Approved by]: n/a

Number of on board students:


The ratio of Faculty Staff to students:


Ratio of international students to Chinese students:

8% international students ( total domestic students 1050)

3% are international students

Institution Description

Wellington High School is a state, co-educational secondary school with 1050 students in the heart of Wellington, the capital city of New Zealand.  Established in 1886 it has a proud tradition of innovation and quality programmes to meet the learning needs of all its students.  Students study for national qualifications and graduate to University. English language lessons are provided within the programme.

The school has welcomed International students for 40 years and provides homestays with caring New Zealand families.  The International Faculty includes a Chinese counselor and Chinese language is taught. The school has superior facilities and students have free email accounts

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