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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/02/07 20:56  新浪教育

Institute’s Name

 İstanbul Bilgi University



Institute’s Name(Chinese)





Kuştepe Campus:

İnönü Caddesi No: 28 Kuştepe

34387 Şişli - İstanbul

Dolapdere Campus:

Kurtuluş Deresi Caddesi No: 47

34435 Dolapdere - İstanbul

Postal Code



Contact person

 Mrs. Safiye Tufekciyasar


Director of Student Affair Office


0090 212 216 2222


0090 212 216 8475



Year of Establishment: 1996

Academic level: (University, College, High School, Language School, Vocational institution…etc): University

Major area of professions/programs: university programs

Current accreditation status in the local educational authority: Founded by law.

[Source of Information]: Higher Education Council of Turkey (www.yok.gov.tr)

Currently approved to issue academic degrees?  Yes

[Approved by]:  Higher Education Council of Turkey

Number of on board students:


The ratio of Faculty Staff to students:


Ratio of international students to Chinese students:


Institution Description

Istanbul Bilgi University was founded in 1996 as a private, non-profit institution. It is located in the centre of Istanbul on the European side of the Bosphorus and has two campuses – Kustepe and Dolapdere.

The medium of instruction is English, except for the Faculty of Law which conducts most of its courses in Turkish. Before being admitted to their degree programmes, students must demonstrate their proficiency in English. Istanbul Bilgi University consists of four faculties at the undergraduate level: Economics and Administrative Sciences, Science and Letters, Communication and Law. The Graduate School of Social Sciences currently offers fifteen different graduate programmes.

İstanbul Bilgi University is a member of  European University Association and has strong academic links with several European Universities, some of which are the London School of Economics and Political Science of the University of London, the University of Portsmouth, Leiden University, Lund University, the Institute of Political Science of Rennes, Lehman College (City University of New York) and College of Education of Coimbra.

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