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《Speak 2 Me》2月号主打文章:玩游戏赚大钱

http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/02/17 16:39  《Speak 2 Me》

  Gaming For Dollars

  Video games aren't just a hobby anymore. These days, the best gamers are going pro, and the pro-gamers are going for the gold. The opportunity for pro-gamers to make a decent living has finally arrived. Gamers can now compete - almost weekly - at major tournaments all over the world for prize money, free high-t
ech items, and the hope of a generous sponsorship package.

  Where is the money coming from? From companies with the most to net by promoting the gaming craze. Nvidia produces the graphics processors necessary to play today's graphics-intensive shooting games, and they're re-investing some of their profits in the next generation of super-gamers. In the past year alone, the company has financed nearly half a million dollars in prize money, and other companies aren't far behind.

  Why are the companies shelling out the cash? Two words: brand loyalty. As the number of tournaments increases, a growing number of games are joining professional gaming teams. In the same way that athletes are paid big bucks to endorse a certain brand of sports shoe, hardware companies convince the gamers that their products will provide a competitive edge. Then, these teams travel the globe with their souped-up machines to battle it out at competitions.

  Before you drop out of school to pursue your gaming career, though, consider this: the professional gaming world is still relatively small, and the competition for prize money and sponsorship is fierce. While it's possible that, one day, there may be a Michale Jordan for every popular tournament game, that day is far off. And for every celebrity player, it's likely there'll be a million wannabes waiting in the background.

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