电脑英语Computer English | |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/04/30 16:28 中学生电脑 | |
笨笨龙:Hi,各位新朋友、老朋友大家好,很高兴与大家相聚在“Computer English”!小龙我也是奉阿Sir的旨意来此客串一把,希望大家多捧场、多关照!OK,“地盘”有限,闲话少说,今天就来看看英语中的“电脑”和“硬件”。 Computer and Hardware In Chinesethe computer has a well-known graceful name——″electrical brain″for the working process of a computer is similar to a human brain very much.In Englishher name is″computer″. A studentWhat should be included in a computer﹖ 笨笨龙In appearance外观a microcomputer has four simple and apparent显然的parts① ②③and④.In other wordsif you own these four partsyou would exactly have a computer. 笨笨龙A computer system is composed(组成) of hardware and software in the course过程of its working mode.If we compare the hardware to human bodythe software would be the soul灵魂.For examplethe four parts above are the hardwarethe″Mirosoft office″is the software. 笨笨龙Hardware consists of inputprocessing and output devices.The basic input device on a computer system is③.④is an input device tooin computer operationa hand-held locator operated by moving it on a flat surface.④generally contains a control ball or a pair of wheels.③inputs dataor programs into the computer. The processing device executes (处理,执行)and stores programs and data.②an output device of the computerserves as a window on the processing device. It allows users to view its contents. A printer is also an output device of the computer. EverybodyYesI seethank you very much. 幸运抢答 笨笨龙:OK,读完以上短文,再加上图片说明,你一定能轻松地说出组成电脑的四个部分的名称。呵呵,到这儿,笨笨龙可要考考你了——你能在文中标号处填写出这四个部分的英文名称吗?赶快将答案写在信封背面,寄往:(400013)重庆市渝中区双钢路3号课堂内外杂志社《中学生电脑》编辑部“电脑英语”栏目组(收),笨笨龙会在来信中抽出幸运获奖者,并寄去一份惊喜!赶快行动吧! 单词与对话 Download下载 下载是指通过国际互联网,将另一台计算机上的信息复制到自己计算机内的操作。 AWhat are you doing on the net﹖ BI'm downloading a file. AWhat is downloading﹖ BOKyou make a copy of the information that you need into your own from the other computer through the Internet. A:你现在在网上干什么? B:我在下载文件。 A:什么叫下载? B:就是通过国际互联网,将另一台计算机上的信息复制到自己的计算机里来。 |