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With a Little Bit of Luck好运随身

http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/05/13 21:02  视听英语Ladder AI杂志

  Are good luck charms just superstition?



  Kathy’s green blouse is more than just her favorite item of clothing. It’s her lucky charm.“Every time I wear this, good things happen,”says Kathy.“
I’ll either find a great bargain or an excellent parking place. People are nicer to me. I wear it every time I’m feeling a little shaky–like if I have a big date. That way I know that things will go well.”


  Is Kathy kidding herself? If so, she’s not alone. Millions of people believe that a good luck charm can make a difference. It can be an object that a person carries or an item of clothing; it can be a traditional symbol of luck or something of specific sentimental value. Whatever it is, the power these charms have for the bearer is very strong.


  Traditional good luck charms vary from culture to culture. In the West, rabbit’s feet are considered lucky, as are horseshoes and any penny you find by accident. In Japan, one enterprising businessman has begun selling small gold lumps that look like human excrement; because in Japanese“excrement”is a homonym for“luck”. Even if they’ve done nothing for the many people who’ve bought them, they’ve already brought the businessman good fortune.


  But do they work? It’s possible–if people think they do. Recently, in England, 100 people were given a coin they were told was lucky and were asked to carry it for a month. Thirty percent of the group later reported that their luck had indeed improved, although they also said that carrying the coin improved their confidence and optimism about the future. Coincidence? Probably not–as the playwright Tennessee Williams once said,“Luck is believing you’re lucky.”


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