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Tossing and Turning 辗转难眠

http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/05/14 15:13  视听英语Ladder AI杂志

  The causes and cures for insomnia aren’t in your bedroom



  My bed is supposed to be the best parts of my home–the place that I go to find energy and relaxation after a long, stressful day. So, lately, why do I
get nervous just looking at it? I can’t sleep on this problem, because I can’t get to sleep in the first place: I am a victim of insomnia.


  I’m not alone: studies show that more than one in three people worldwide complains of insomnia. It takes different forms: some people can get to sleep on time, but wake up much to early; others get a full-night’s sleep but still feel exhausted when they wake up. And then there are people like me, run-of-the-mill insomniacs who toss and turn all night, trying to fall asleep.


  Insomnia is most commonly a side effect of depression, but it can also be caused by many other ailments. To find the cure, doctors first look to the cause by keeping a“sleep diary,”in which you record your sleep habits. The diary may reveal lifestyle patterns, like an afternoon nap, that are causing your problem. Dr. Mark Dyken, a specialist in sleep disorders, writes that,“a good sleep diary can often allow the patients to‘heal themselves.’”


  A good night’s sleep is created during the day. Exercise in the beginning or middle of the day, and stay away from caffeine, alcohol and cigarettes in the afternoon and evening. After dark, dim the lights and try to reduce stress. Our bodies like consistent patterns, so we should let them know that it’s time to wind down.


  If you can’t fall asleep, keep the lights low. Try reading a book or listening to soft music. Some more offbeat treatments include wiggling your toes, rubbing your stomach or smelling cut onions before you sleep. And, if all else fails, pick up a statistics textbook: you’ll most likely be asleep by page two.


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