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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/05/17 15:00  现代教育报-高考周刊

  The women's college had a very small car-parkand as several of the teachers and studentsand many of the students'boy-friends had carsit was often difficult to find a place to park. The head of the collegewhose name was Miss Bakertherefore had a special place in the car-park for her own car. There were white lines round itand it had a notice saying″Reserved for Head of college.″

  One eveninghoweverwhen Miss Baker got back to the college a few minutes before the time by which all students had to be inshe found another car in her parking space. There were two people in itone of her girl-students and a young man. Miss Baker knew that the young man would have to leave very soonso she decided to ask him to move his car a bitso that she could park hers in the proper place for the night before going to bed.

  As the young man's car was close to the fenceMiss Baker had to drive up beside it on the other sidewhere the girl was sitting. She therefore came up on this sideopened her own window and tapped her horn喇叭lightly to draw attention to the fact that she was there. The girlwho had her head on the boy's shoulderlooked around in surprise. She was even more surprised when she heard Miss Baker say″Excuse mebut may I change places with you﹖″

  1.″Reserved″in the passage means_______.

  A.Forbidden B.Kept

  C. Hired D. Bought

  2.Why would the young man have to leave very soon﹖

  A.Because boys weren't allowed to enter the college.

  B. Because Miss Bakerthe headmasterwould order him to leave at once.

  C. Because there was just a little time before all students were back at school.

  D. Because the boy's car stood in the way so that other car couldn't pass.

  3.What Miss Baker said really meant________.

  A.she wanted to take the place of the girl

  B. she wanted to park her car in her usual place

  C. she wanted to play a joke on the girl-student

  D. she wanted to give the girl-student a surprise

  4. Which of the following is NOT true﹖

  A. The girl misunderstood what Miss Baker said.

  B. The young man was the girl's boy-friend.

  C. There was a small car-park in the college.

  D. The girl recognized her headmaster and felt greatly surprised.





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