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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/05/26 14:33  聚焦考研





开本: 16 页数:304
ISRC: CN-M37-04-0011-0/A·G4







  This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English. You will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them. There are three parts in this section, Part A, Part B and Part C.

  Remember, while you are doing the test, you should first put down your answers in your test booklet. At the end of the listening comprehension section, you will have 5 minutes to transfer all your answers from your test booklet to ANSWER SHEET 1.

  Now look at Part A in your test booklet.

  Part A


  For Questions 1 — 5, you will hear a talk about two American presidents: Kennedy and Lincoln. While you listen, fill out the table with the information you have heard. Some of the information has been given to you in the table. Write only 1 word or number in each numbered box. You will hear the recording twice. You now have 25 seconds to read the table below. (5 points)

  Part B


  For questions 6— 10, you will hear a talk about a traffic rule in Washington. While you listen, complete the sentences or answer the questions. Use not more than 3 words for each answer. You will hear the recording twice. You now have 25 seconds to read the sentences and questions below. (5 points)

  When driving in Washington, drivers failed to observe the HOV traffic rule will receive


  HOV is short for


  When is the HOV system in valid in a day?


  People sharing cars with other commuters form


  People still prefer to drive their own car because it is


  Part C


  You will hear three pieces of recorded material. Before listening to each one, you will have time to read the questions related to it. While listening, answer each question by choosing A, B, C or D. After listening, you will have time to check your answers. You will hear each piece once only. (10 points) Questions 11—13 are based on the following talk about investing. You now have 15 seconds to read Questions 11—13.

  11. What is the first guideline to investing?

  [A] Develop a savings plan.

  [B] Decide the time period you will invest for.

  [C] Set clear investing goals.

  [D] Decide what you need in future.

  12. What is a “diversified portfolio” of investments according to Mr. White?

  [A] A wide selection of investments.

  [B] A limited range of growth stocks.

  [C] A group of low risk bonds and cash.

  [D] A range of products with high rewards.

  13. People should invest long term because

  [A] the market has both up and down years.

  [B] one can earn bigger guaranteed returns.

  [C] 30% returns can be achieved with the right stocks.

  [D] 11% returns can be achieved on average since 1990.

  Questions 14—16 are based on an interview with Tibor Fischer, a famous English writer, about his new novel. You now have15 seconds to read Questions 14- 16.

  14. Hungarians use the expression, “under the frog′s ass”, when things are.

  [A] at the bottom of a rock[B] under the bottom of a frog

  [C] at the worst point [D] under a bad situation

  15. Why did the publishers take off the word “ass” from the name of the book?

  [A] Because the word is very frightening.

  [B] Because the word is very rude.

  [C] Because the word sounds terrible.

  [D] Because the word is unnecessary.

  16. By using some expressions in the novel which were literally translated from Hungarian, the writer intends to.

  [A] create a strange, other sense

  [B] introduce some new expressions into English

  [C] describe his sense in a subtle way

  [D] describe another country better

  Questions 17—20 are based on a talk about health. You now have 20 seconds to read Questions 17—20.

  17. Scientists have found the answer to

  [A] how the French stay healthy and slim.

  [B] what the French eat every day.

  [C] what causes unhealthily fat.

  [D] the eating habit of the French.

  18. Comparing with Americans, the French eat less of everything because

  [A] they are served smaller portions.

  [B] they don′t want to waste.

  [C] they want to save money.

  [D] they want to keep fit.

  19. Scientists from Philadelphia and Paris teamed up to compare

  [A] services in comparable dining places in the two cities.

  [B] servings in comparable dining places in the two cities.

  [C] prices of food in comparable dining places in the two cities.

  [D] varieties of food in comparable dining places in the two cities.

  20. What did NOT the researchers in Philadelphia and Paris study?

  [A] Purchases in supermarkets.

  [B] Soft drinks.

  [C] Restaurant guides.

  [D] Amount of wine people consume.You now have 5 minutes to transfer all your answers from your test booklet to ANSWER SHEET 1.

  Part A


  从Part A的指导语“For Questions 1— 5, you will hear a talk about two American presidents: Kennedy and Lincoln.”我们可以得知:这段独白讲述的是关于两位美国总统肯尼迪和林肯的一些情况。单单由这一句话,我们首先就会在脑子里产生这样的疑问:美国至此已有43位总统,为什么偏偏把肯尼迪和林肯放在一起呢?他们俩到底有什么样的联系才会出现在同一篇文章里呢?再结合表格中的文字,尤其是根据both这个关键词,可以预测出这两位总统一定是有许多相似点。从表格中可以看出,5个空有三个是要求填写数字的,而且都是年代,那么就应该重点记下文中出现的年代,但值得注意的是一定要记清哪个年代是与哪位总统有关的;另外两个空则要求填写两位总统是如何离开这个世界的以及他们俩对美国的巨大影响体现在哪些方面。因此,要高度注意数字和某些特定信息。

  1答案 1917

  解析 本题要求填写的是Kennedy出生的年代。当我们听到“Kennedy was born in 1917”时,答案就显而易见了。而且根据表格中出现的其他关于肯尼迪总统的情况,也不应该有把“17”听成“70”的可能性。

  2答案 1847

  解析 从题目可知,本题要填写的是林肯进入Congress(国会)的年代。本题的难点在于原文中答案出现的地方“Lincoln was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1847”所用的词并不是Congress,而是House of Representatives(众议院)。如果我们没有这方面的社会文化背景知识,不知道美国的国会包括参议院(the Senate)和众议院,那么即使听到了这个年代,恐怕也不敢随便填进去。因此,一定要在平时多多积累英美社会文化背景知识,这样才不会与所听到的答案擦肩而过。

  3答案 murdered / assassinated

  解析 题目要求已经告诉我们这个空应该填的是两位总统离开世界的方式。当听到Lincoln was murdered ...和Kennedy was assasinated...时就应该能够抓住murdered或assasinated这两个关键词,从而填出正确答案。注意一定要填成过去分词,表示被动语态,否则便是错误的。

  4答案 1865

  解析 本题要求我们填出林肯逝世的年代。这道题不太难,但assassinated却是一个不太常见的词,只有抓住了这个词,才有可能抓住正确答案。

  5答案 imagination

  解析 题目要求填出这两位总统除了在政治和社会生活两方面,还在哪个方面对美国产生了重大影响。根据表格中已知信息的提示,当我们听到“men who had a tremendous impact on the social and political life in the United States”的时候,就要意识到重要信息即将出现,再加上后面的信号词“and”的提示,那么与之并列的imagination就是答案了。


  John F. Kennedy and Abraham Lincoln lived in different times and had different family backgrounds. Kennedy lived in the 20th century; Lincoln lived in the 19th century. Kennedy was born in 1917; Lincoln was born in 1809. As for their family backgrounds, Kennedy came from a rich family, but Lincoln′s family was not wealthy.

  In spite of these differences in their backgrounds, some interesting similarities between the two men are evident. Lincoln was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1847, and Kennedy was elected to the House in 1947. They went to Congress just 100 years apart. Another interesting coincidence is that each man was elected President of the United States in a year ending with the number 60. Lincoln was elected President in 1860, and Kennedy was elected in 1960.

  Another striking similarity between the two men was that neither President lived to complete his term in office. Kennedy was murdered in Dallas, Texas, after only 1,000 days in office. Lincoln was assasinated in 1865 a few days after the end of the American Civil War.

  These are only a few examples of the unusual similarities in the destinies of these two Americans, men who had a tremendous impact on the social and political life in the United States and the imagination of the American people.


  1. similarity: n.类似,类似之处2. assasinate: vt.暗杀,行刺

  3. destiny: n.命运,定数4. tremendous: adj.极大的,巨大的

  Part B


  从指导语“For questions 6-10, you will hear a talk about a traffic rule in washington.”可以知道本文是关于美国华盛顿的一条交通规则。表格中的五个问题中有三个提到了HOV,可见这就是本文要介绍的交通规则的关键点,而之后的两个问题则提到了西方国家的一个特有的现象,即几个人合用一辆汽车,如果我们对此有所了解的话,将非常有助于解题。

  6答案 an expensive ticket/ a $100 fine

  解析 题目要求我们回答如果人们违反了HOV这一交通规则会受到什么惩罚。短文的开头提到:如果人们违反了这个规则,“they may get stopped by a highway policeman,and be given an expensive ticket”。此处的关键是我们应该知道ticket意思是“罚单”,而不是“票”。而后在对该交规的解释中又提到:Otherwise, you may be pulled over and given a $100 fine.因此,本题的答案有两个。

  7答案 heavily occupied vehicle

  解析 题目要求我们回答HOV是什么的缩写形式?独白在一开头就提到了HOV,此时我们就应该注意答案可能就在不远的地方,接下来我们可以听到:HOV stands for “heavily occupied vehicle”。本题的难点有两处:一是原文中的表达方式与题目中的不一样。我们必须理解stand for(代表)和be short for(是……的缩写,为……的简称)这两个词组的意义及联系。二是三个单词的拼写并不简单。我们要注意occupied应是过去分词形式,由于/d/后面是摩擦音/v/,会有不完全爆破。我们容易把occupied错写为occupy。所以,我们要从语法的角度去检查自己的答案是否正确。

  8答案 During rush hours

  解析 题目要求我们回答的是:一天中HOV system在什么时候是有效的。在第一句话中就提到了有关的内容,即路标上写着:“HOV-3 vehicles only, 7-9 a. m. and 3-7p.m.”,但是由于我们最多只能填写三个单词,所以这并不是答案。接下来在对该交通规则进行解释的时候,我们可以听到:... during the morning and evening rush hours,也就是说只是在交通高峰的时候这一规则是有效的。

  9答案 car pools

  解析 题目问的是:人们合用汽车形成了什么?既然有这样的交通规则,自然几个人共同使用一辆车的现象就出现了,在文中我们可以听到:More people share cars with other commuters, forming “car pools”, 我们应该立即捕捉到关键信息“car pools”(汽车合用组织,合用汽车的人)。

  10答案 more convenient

  解析 题目要求我们回答虽然乘地铁或与别人合用一辆车便宜,可为什么人们还是愿意自己开车去上班。我们可以听到:So you may wonder why people do not prefer to take the train or “car pool” to work.,此时我们就应该马上意识到,后面讲的就是这个问题的原因。其实,全文的后半部分一直都在解释这个问题。人们主要考虑的是“cost versus convenience”。根据the speaker的观点,人们认为虽然乘地铁或与别人合用一辆车稍微便宜一点,但会带来诸多不便,于是还是有许多人愿意开着私家车去上班。


  It is hard for foreigners driving in Washington to disregard way signs saying “HOV-3 vehicles only, 7-9 a. m. and 3-7p.m.” If they do, they may get stopped by a highway policeman be given an expensive ticket.

  HOV stands for “heavily occupied vehicle”, and the road sign means that if you are driving a passenger automobile on that stretch of highway during the morning and evening rush hours, you had better have at least two other people in the car with you. Otherwise, you may be pulled over and given a $100 fine. For years now, the HOV system has been a major way for large cities in the United States to try to limit the number of automobiles used each day to take people to and from work. More people share cars with other commuters, forming “car pools”. This means fewer automobiles using the roads, which means cleaner air, less congestion, safer roads, and fuel saved.

  The Washington area has a very clean and efficient rapid transit system. The “Metro” which is commuter rail system, extends from far out into the Virginia and Maryland suburbs and brings commuters to within walking distance of almost every part of the Nation′s capital. So you may wonder why people do not prefer to take the train or “car pool” to work.

  It comes down to considerations of cost versus convenience. Many people think taking your own car to work is less of a hassle than riding with other commuters on a train. Riding the Metro is also expensive, especially if you live far from the town center. A two-way commute from the outer suburbs to downtown Washington and back can cost you about $8 per day or $176 per month.

  On the other hand, parking your car in a public garage costs about $11 per day, or $242 per month. If you were to split that cost among the three people in your“car pool”, however, the cost would be only $80 per person. But that is still a lot of money for most people and, taking a “car pool” is not as convenient as driving your own car.


  1. disregard: v./n.不理,漠视2. pull over: 靠岸, 开到路边

  3. congestion: n.(交通的) 拥挤4. commuter: n.通勤者

  5. commute: n.(上下班)两地之间坐车往返; 往返的路程

  Part C

  Passage 1


  由指导语“Questions 11—13 are based on the following talk about investing.”可知这是一篇关于投资的独白。由给出的三个问题及其选项可以预测,这段独白的大意是指导投资者如何进行投资。如果你想以这种方式赚钱或希望当老板的话,不妨认真地听一下。

  11答案 C

  题型 细节题

  解析 题目要求我们选出进行投资的第一个指导方针是什么。The speaker在一开始就告诉我们这段独白将为想投资却不知如何开始的人们提供三条基本的投资指导方针。听到这里我们就应该注意关键信息即将出现。当听到“Number one is to have clear goals.”这句话的时候,我们就能非常容易地判断出本题的答案为C。

  12答案 A

  题型 细节题

  解析 题目要求我们回答根据Mr. White的观点,投资中的“a diversified portfolio”指的是什么?从四个选项可以预测“a diversified portfolio”可能指的是投资的范围,我们要获取的关键信息是对这个范围的描述或限定。当我们听到“You′ll want a diversified portfolio”的时候就应该高度集中精力,因为关键信息即将出现。在一个比较难懂的或需要我们解释的单词或短语后面会有定语从句或同位语对其进行解释,而这些说明成分往往是我们解题的关键。在本题中one with a mix of stocks, mutual funds, bonds, and cash即是对“a diversified portfolio”的解释,我们一旦能抓住这个关键信息就不难得出正确答案为A。而其余的三个选项都添加了原文中没有出现的多余信息。

  13答案 A

  题型 推理题

  解析 题目要求找出人们应该进行长期投资的原因。“While it′s true that since the year 1990, stocks have averaged an 11% annual return, it′s a roller-coaster ride with many minus years as well”这句话是解题的关键信息。作者说虽然自1990年以来股票可以每年为人们带来11%的回报,但炒股就像坐过山车一样,也有赔钱的年份,所以正确答案为A。



  Hi, I′m George White. Have you always wanted to invest, but didn′t know how to get started? We′re here today to present you with three basic guidelines to smart investing for your future.

  Number one is to have clear goals. Decide how many years you will invest for, and what your needs will be in the future.

  Number two is to understand the range of possibilities. You′ll want a diversified portfolio: one with a mix of stocks, mutual funds, bonds, and cash. It′s a jungle out there. Each of these products has different risks associated with them and also different potential rewards. Understand them before you buy, so there won′t be any big surprises later.

  Finally, number three is to have realistic expectations. As our friend Leonardo da Vinci said in the year 1500: “He who wishes to be rich in a day will be hanged in a year.”

  Over the past several years, New York stocks have averaged 30% annual returns, but don′t count on this continuing. While it′s true that since the year 1990, stocks have averaged an 11% annual return, it′s a rollercoaster ride with many minus years as well, so you have to stay in for the long term——you have to weather the storm——and not be too greedy.


  1. portfolio: n. 皮包,公文包,有价证券2. bond: n. 债券;公债;证券

  3. annual: adj.一年一次的, 每年的4. roller-coaster: n. 过山车

  Y—Yes继续加油啊,胜利就在眼前。 Z—Zest 把所有的事情都做到最好,努力达到生活的巅峰。

  Passage 2


  由指导语“Questions 14-16 are based on an interview with Tibor Fischer, a famous English writer, about his new novel.”,可知这是一篇采访英国作家Tibor Fischer的一篇对话,内容是关于他的新小说的。已给出的三个题目中也提到了name of the novel, expressions in the novel,Hungarian等,可见采访的具体内容可能涉及到小说的名字以及其中的一些表达法等。14答案 C

  题型 细节题

  解析 题目要求我们回答:匈牙利人在事情怎样时使用“under the frog′s ass”这个短语?也就是说“under the frog′s ass”是什么意思?在一开头我们就可以听到记者说书名Under the Frog出自匈牙利语,并请Tibor Fischer予以解释,接下来我们就听到: “under the frog” is three-quarters of a Hungarian expression - “under the frog′s ass”,需要解释的短语已经出现了,此时我们应该马上意识到关键的信息就在其后。Fischer的解释是:Hungarians use it when things are at rock bottom when they can′t get any worse, when you′re at the lowest point.实际上 at rock bottom,can′t get any worse和at the lowest point表达的都是一个意思,也就是说“在事情最糟糕的时候”。所以答案为C。


  15答案 B

  题型 细节题

  解析 题目是:出版商为什么把“屁股”这个词从书名中去掉?在解释完“under the frog′s ass”这个短语的意思之后,Fischer接着解释了书名的来历,即从短语中去掉了一个词ass,就变成了Under the Frog。至于为什么要去掉,他解释说:And my original publishers, Polygon, were a little worried that the word “ass” might scare off some readers, so they ...。原文中用了scare off 这个短语,所以有的我们就会选择A或C,其实我们应该了解在英语中ass是很粗的一个词,经常用在骂人的话里,用在书名中显然不合适,所以答案应该是B。

  16答案 A

  题型 细节题

  解析 题目要求我们回答作者使用一些从匈牙利语中直译过来的一些短语的目的是什么?Interviewer的最后一个问题是在书中是否还使用了其它的从匈牙利语中直译过来的短语。在Fischer的回答中我们可以听到“One of the things I was trying to do with the English was to create a sense of- in a subtle way, I hope - to sort of create an exotic, slightly other sense I was aiming for was a slight sort of strangeness for the English reader ...”通过对这段话的理解我们知道作者的目的就是要带给读者一种异样,甚至另类的不同感觉。所以答案为A。

  答案B在原文中没有提到,而C和D只是为仅听到个别词语而并不理解原文的同学设置的陷阱。A—Acknowledging 感激上天赐予你的一切,包括这次改变人生的机会,让我们一起为之努力吧! B—Belief做每一件事都要有坚定的信念,有坚定的信念做后盾才能够勇往直前!


  Interviewer: About the title, Under the Frog, which you said it ... is from a Hungarian expression?

  Fischer: Yeah.

  Interviewer: Could you explain it to our readers?

  Fischer: Well, “under the frog” is three-quarters of a Hungarian expression - “under the frog′s ass” - and it′s, it′s still a colloquial common expression in Hungary. And Hungarians use it when things are at rock bottom when they can′t get any worse, when you′re at the lowest point. They look at each other and say, “Well, here we are, under the frog′s ass.”And my original publishers, Polygon, were a little worried that the word “ass” might scare off some readers, so they, they, um, they decided to take off the ... I argued for the “ass” quite hard. But, um, in the end, I think Under the Frog′s quite a good title as well, ′cause

  Interviewer: Are there any other expressions used in the novel which were literally translated from Hungarian?

  Fischer: There were a few. I can′t remember them offhand. One of the things I was trying to do with the English was to create a sense of- in a subtle way, I hope - to sort of create an exotic, slightly other sense, uh, because it was, although written in English, it was about another country and another time. And so part of the effect I was aiming for was a slight sort of strangeness for the English reader.


  1. colloquial: adj.口语的, 通俗的2. rock bottom: n.最低点

  3. literally: adv.照字面意义地, 逐字地4. offhand: adj. 无准备的, 唐突的

  5. subtle: adj.敏感的, 微妙的6. exotic: adj.异国情调的, 外来的

  Passage 3


  由指导语 “Questions 17—20 are based on a talk about health.”、问题和选项可以把这段独白的主要内容从“健康问题”这个大范围缩小到法国人的饮食以及科学家对法国人摄入的食物量比美国人少这一事实所进行的研究。

  17答案 A

  题型 细节题

  解析 题目要求我们回答科学家已经找到了哪个问题的答案。我们知道主题句往往出现在文章或段落的开头,在这个独白开头第一句话就提到“Scientists have found a solution to explain how the French stay healthy and slim”,而后面的内容都是围绕着这个话题展开。由此可知,本题的答案就是A。而B项仅仅是独白中涉及的一个细节;C、D两项则偏离了主题。

  18答案 A

  题型 细节题

  解析 题目要求我们找出:与美国人相比,为什么法国人吃的东西要少。本题难度较小,我们只需要抓住关键信息“And they eat less because they are served smaller portions than Americans.”就可以得到正确答案A。

  19答案 B

  题型 细节题

  解析 题目要求我们回答来自于费城和巴黎的科学家合作对什么进行了对比。我们可以看出四个选项非常相近,尤其是A、B两项。这对于我们获取关键信息有帮助,我们只需要注意in前面的名词是什么。我们可以听到“So scientists ...teamed up to compare servings in comparable dining places in the two cities.”由此可知答案为B。本题的难点在于我们应该清楚serving和service两个词的差别。serving 有两个意思① (the act of one that serves.)服务;②一分食物或饮料 (an individual portion or helping of food or drink.) 在本文中应取第二个意思,此时它与service一词就没有相同之处了。

  20答案 D

  题型 细节题

  解析 题目要求我们回答:研究人员在费城和巴黎没有对下列哪一项进行研究。“They report that they studied restaurant guides, sampled soft drinks and other purchases in supermarkets,”这句话告诉我们应选择D。本题中我们要注意的是NOT,不要因为粗心大意而丢分。

  Scientists have found a solution to explain how the French stay healthy and slim, while a great number of health-troubled Americans are unhealthily fat.

  After a systematical study of restaurants in both countries, the answer is simple: the French eat less of everything. And they eat less because they are served smaller portions than Americans.

  The French puzzle has baffled European and American scientists for more than a decade.

  Only seven percent of the French are unhealthily fat, compared with an incredible 22 percent of Americans.

  Heart disease is the biggest killer in the US, but not in France. Yet the French smoke strong cigarettes, breakfast on buttery bread, lunch and dine on duck, sausage and fat goose liver. They drink wine, round off their meals with Brandy, and while away the afternoon with strong coffee and mouthwatering cookies.

  So scientists from Philadelphia and a research agency in Paris teamed up to compare servings in comparable dining places in the two cities.

  They report that they studied restaurant guides, sampled soft drinks and other purchases in supermarkets, and sat down at 11 different restaurants to weigh the amount of food served in a meal.

  Philadelphia′s Chinese restaurants served 72 percent more than the Parisian ones. A supermarket soft drink in the US was 52 per cent larger; a hotdog was 63 percent larger.

  The lesson is that, although the French diet was rich in fat, overall, the Americans consumed more calories. Over the years, this would lead to substantial differences in body weight.


  1. unhealthily: adv.有病地2. systematical: adj.组织性的, 系统的

  3. parlor: n.客厅, 会客室4. baffle: vt.困惑, 阻碍

  5. sausage: n.香肠, 腊肠6. liver: n. 肝脏

  7. round off: 完成, 使完美8. while away: 消磨

  9. mouthwatering: adj.令人垂涎的10. team up: v.(使)结成一队, 合作第二考场

  E—Empathy 执着于你的选择,抱定决心,努力向前! F—Fun 如果能以积极的态度面对一切,你会发现学习本身就是一种乐趣,希望你能享受这种乐趣!


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