WESTKING面试难题妙答系列(十) |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/07/07 00:20 新浪教育 |
1. Do you handle conflict well? 提问目的:了解应征者对工作中矛盾的处理和协调能力。 回答技巧:处理的方法,处理的效果是必须回答的。干脆利落的YES能充分体现你在这个问题上的自信。 回答范例:以 CSR为例 Yes, Often the person in conflict with me would be upset and sometimes physically outraged. I would always make sure that I fully explained the situation, the policies behind my decision, and why those policies exist. Usually by the end of the conversation, the person could see the other side of the situation. 2. What qualities do you feel a successful manager should have? 提问目的:了解应征者对成功管理者的理解。 回答技巧:这个问题实际上是考查应征者对管理的理解,西方国家非常重视管理的效益,管理理论作为应用学科得到广泛的拓展。回答的方式应该落脚在管理能力的描述上。 回答范例:以 IT为例 A successful manager should have the vision and capabilities to formulate strategies to reach his or her objectives and communicate these ideas to his or her team members. In addition to serving as a positive role model for co-workers, successful managers must also be capable of inspiring others to recognize, develop, and apply their talents to their utmost potential to reach a common goal. 3. Why do you want to work in this industry? 提问目的:了解应征者对该公司所在行业的熟悉程度。 回答技巧:回答这类问题的方法有两种。一种谈历史,一种谈现状。个人看谈历史比较安全一些。如果把自己的兴趣和这个产业结合起来可能更好。 回答范例:以 PR为例 I want to work in the marketing and PR industry because ever since I took my first marketing course in college, I have felt very passionate toward the industry and cannot imagine myself doing anything else. 4. What do you know about our company? 提问目的:了解应征者对该公司的熟悉程度。 回答技巧:吹捧公司的最后机会,用数字,用事实,用排行等来表达对公司的充分了解。并将自己的个人目标和公司目标结合起来。体现出将来作为雇员的企业归属感。 回答范例:以 IT为例 You're large and respected worldwide. You're both a clinical and teaching hospital. Over the last 60 to 70 years you've produced award-winning research. In reviewing your Web site, I've familiarized myself with many of your corporate goals and objectives. |