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sectionⅠ Use of English

http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/09/24 14:30  中国人民大学出版社


  sectionⅠ Use of English


  Read the following text. Ch
oose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1.(10 points)

  Recent legal research indicated that incorrect identification is a major factor in many miscarriages(失败)of justice. It also suggests that identification of people by witnesses in a courtroom is not as 1 as commonly believed. Recent studies do not support the 2 of faith judges, jurors, lawyers and the police have in eyewitness evidence.

  The Law Commission recently published an educational paper, Total Recall? The Reliability of Witness 3 , as a companion guide to a proposed code of evidence. The paper finds that commonly held 4 about how our minds work and how well we remember are often wrong. But while human memory is 5 change, it should not be underestimated.

  In court witnesses are asked to give evidence about events, and judges and juries 6 its reliability. The paper points out that memory is complex, and the reliability of any person’s recall must be assessed 7 .

  Both common sense and research say memory 8 over time. The accuracy of recall and recognition are 9 their best immediately 10 encoding the information, declining at first rapidly, then gradually. The longer the delay, the more likely it is that information obtained after the event will interfere 11 the original memory, which reduces 12 .

  The paper says 13 interviews or media reports can create such 14 . “People are particularly susceptible to having their memories 15 when the passage of time allows the original memory to 16 , and will be most susceptible if they repeat the 17 as fact.”

  Witnesses may see or read information after the event, then 18 it to produce something 19 than what was experienced, significantly reducing the reliability of their memory of an event or offender, “Further, witnesses may strongly believe in their memories, even though aspects of those memories are 20 false.”

  1. [A] trustful[B] reliable[C] innocent[D] considerable

  2. [A] rate[B] degree[C] extent[D]scale

  3. [A] Manifestation[B] Declaration[C] Presentation[D] Testimony

  4. [A] perceptions[B] acceptances[C] permissions[D] receptions

  5. [A] subject to[B] liable for[C] incapable of[D] attributable to

  6. [A] assess[B] appreciate[C] calculate[D] speculate

  7. [A] interactively[B] comparatively[C] horizontally[D] individually

  8. [A] descends[B] declines[C] inclines[D] degrades

  9. [A] at[B] in[C] on[D] upon

  10. [A] before[B] after[C] when[D] until

  11. [A] with[B] in[C] at[D] on

  12. [A] appropriacy[B] accuracy[C] originality[D] justice

  13. [A] consequent[B] successive[C] subsequent[D] preceding

  14. [A] distortions[B] deformations[C] malfunctions[D] malformations

  15. [A] altered[B] transformed[C] converted[D] modified

  16. [A] fade[B] diminish[C] lessen[D]dwell

  17. [A] misinformation[B] mistreatment[C] misguidance[D] misjudgement

  18. [A] associate[B] connect[C] link[D] integrate

  19. [A] other[B] rather[C] more[D]less

  20. [A] invariably[B] constantly[C] justifiably[D] verifiably

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