托福实战全攻略(3) |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/11/09 00:33 海外求学 |
读提纲,把握题型,找到中心词 接下来一步,就需要快速地浏览一下9道选择题的题干了。阅读题干可做到对第二次阅读目的了然于胸。托福的考查方面一般来说有几点:文章主旨、文章细节、词汇理解。从近几年的托福题中不难发现,大约30%甚至更多的考查重点都是词汇方面的,而真正的细节或主旨考查题最多占到40%。也就是说,考生可以根据题目将第二次阅读的重点有所机动。 上文题目 1. What does the passage mainly discuss﹖ (文章主旨题) A The planned development of Seattle's public park system B The organization of the Seattle city government C The history of the OImsted Brothers architectural firm D The design and building of the University of Washington campus 2. The word ″engaged″ in line 2 is closest in meaning to (词汇) A trained B hired C described D evaluated 3. The word "subsequent" in line 8 is closest in meaning to(词汇) A complicated B alternate C later D detailed 4. Which of the following statements about parks does NOT reflect the views of the Olmsted Brothers firm﹖ (细节) A They should be planted with trees that grow locally. B They should provide a quiet restful environment. C They should be protected by limiting the number of visitors from the community. D They should be designed to conform to the topography of the area. 5. Why does the author mention ″local parks and squares″ in lines 13-14 when talking about the Olmsted plan﹖ (理解) A To emphasize the difficulties facing adoption of the plan B To illustrate the comprehensive nature of the plan C To demonstrate an omission in the plan D To describe Seattle's landscape prior to implementation of the plan 6. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about how citizens of Seattle received the Olmsted Report?(细节) A They were hostile to the report's conclusions. B They ignored the Olmsteds' findings. C They supported the Olmsteds' plans. D They favored the city council's seeking advice from another firm. 7. According to the passage when was the Olmsted Report officially accepted as the master plan for the Seattle public park system﹖ (细节) A 1903 B 1907 C 1909 D 1913 8. The word "sums"in line 20 is closest in meaning to (词汇) A problems B amounts C services D debts 9. According to the passage which of the following was most directly influenced by the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition?(理解) A The University of Washington B Brookline Massachusetts C The mayor of Seattle DThe Seattle Parks Board 例如本文,9道题中有3道是考查词汇的近义词的;1道文章主旨题(通常是每篇文章必考的,出现于第一题或最后一题);3道细节题;2道理解题。文章主旨题通过第一遍阅读考生就应已经形成了一个基本的概念,第二次阅读只是验证和加强理解的过程。3道词汇题对于词汇量较大的考生来说,可能不需再看文章就能做答。但是由于英语词汇通常不只有一个意思,建议考生还是应该把该词在文章中的位置找出,结合上下文确认其真正词意。 对于细节题和理解、推理方面的题型,抓住题干中的中心词,找到其在文章中相对应的篇幅非常重要。例如第4题, 其中的中心词为the views of the Olmsted Brothers firm。用快速scanning的方法,集中注意力于出现这个词组的地方,在原文中很容易找到与题干中中心词相对应的 ″He and his brothers believed″ ,详见原文下划线处。 与题目对比 A They should be planted with trees that grow locally. B They should provide a quiet restful environment. C They should be protected by limiting the number of visitors from the community. D They should be designed to conform to the topography of the area. 原文中提到了local topography the area's trees and shrubs escape from the city quite restful,唯独没有C项。所以答案很容易找出。 除了以上三点,掌握准确的定位方法对做题也非常关键,有关详细内容请读者参见中国宇航出版社出版的《寄托托福实战教程·阅读卷》。 (作者王益奋是寄托天下托福频道专栏作者,留英硕士,有多年托福教学经验) |