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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/12/18 13:55  北京四中网校


  I gave my housekeeper an old pair of trousers to wash and went into the reading room to read. My housekeeper usually examined my pockets before she washed anything, but for some reason she failed to do so this time. As I was reading I suddenly remembered that there was a ten-pound note in the back pocket of the t
rousers I had given her to wash. I dropped my book right away and rushed to the bathroom. But it was too late. My housekeeper told me that my trousers had been in the washing machine for ten minutes! I had the machine stopped working at once and pulled my trousers as quickly as I could. I nearly burnt my fingers when I tried to unbutton(解开钮扣) my back pocket. To my great disappointment, I discovered that it had already become a piece of white paper. I stood there, glaring at my housekeeper in silence until she began to cry, begging me to pardon her and not to drive her off.

  72. The writer of this passage usually _____.

  A. did the housework for himself

  B. had the housework done by his housekeeper

  C. had the housework done by a family robot(机器人)

  D. had to do the housework like a housewife

  73. While reading, the writer suddenly remembered _____ a ten-pound note in a pocket of the trousers.

  A. to leave

  B. that he would leave

  C. have left

  D. that he had left

  74. After unbuttoning the back pocket, the writer found that _____.

  A. the ten-pound note had become pieces of paper

  B. the ten-pound note had turned into a piece of white paper

  C. nothing had happened to the ten-pound note

  D. the ten-pound note remained the same as before

  75. From this passage we may conclude that the writer was _____ the housekeeper.

  A. very pleased with

  B. very kind to

  C. getting along well with

  D. not kind enough to



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特别推荐:2005年新浪考研名师辅导月 历年考研真题在线模拟 新浪考研专栏


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