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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/03/30 16:46  中国人民大学出版社

  41. Competition, formerly between individual firms, is now mainly between nations, and is therefore conducted by methods quite different from those formulated by the classical economists.


  【译文】 竞争过去是在公司之间展开,但现在主要成为国家之间的竞争,所以,经典经济学家们揭示的竞争方法已经不再适用。

  42. We may say, therefore, speaking very generally, that men have used the increased productivity which they owe to science for three chief purposes in succession: first, to increase the population; then, to raise the standard of comfort; and, finally, to provide more energy to war.

  【译文】 因此,我们可以概而言之地说,科学的发展带来了生产率的提高,人们由此可以依次实现三个主要目的:第一,增加人口的数量;其次,提高舒适生活的标准;再次,为战争提供更多的能源。

  43. Web browsers! Interactive software! Theres a lot of new technology talk going on in public relations these days, and its coming from a variety of sources.

  【译文】 网页浏览器!交互式软件!最近,在公共关系中人们大谈特谈新技术,而且各种各样的人都加入了进来。

  44. The foundations of good public relations remain the same: anticipating and meeting the needs of clients and the media, and providing informed and useful counsel.

  【译文】 建立良好公共关系的基础没有变:考虑并满足顾客和媒体的需要,为之提供有根据的有用咨询。

  45. The delivery system is part of the message and contributes to the overall image, so the practitioner should consider how that system affects the client, the product, and the audiences.

  【译文】 交货方式是公司信息的组成部分,影响到公司的整体形象,因此,实际负责的人应该考虑这种交货方式对消费者、产品和观众产生的影响。

  46. In the last presidential election, more than one candidate had problems with their personal web-pages because webmasters were not kept up to date on changes in campaign strategy and messages.

  【译文】 在上次的总统选举中,不止一位参选者的个人网页存在问题,因为站点管理员没有及时更新网上的竞选策略和竞选信息。

  47. They believe that those regulations, which exclude most poor husband and wife families from Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) assistance grants, contribute to the problem of family dissolution.

  【译文】 这些规定将最贫困的夫妻家庭排斥在“救助有受抚养子女的家庭(简称AFDC)”的救济金补助范围之外,他们认为,这造成了家庭的破裂。

  48. The third type is the unhappily married couple, who remain together out of a sense of economic responsibility for their children, because of the high costs of separation, or because of the consumption benefits of marriage.

  【译文】 第三类是婚姻不幸福的家庭,夫妻不离异只是由于对孩子经济上的责任感,因为离异的代价很高,或者为了取得结婚家庭的消费补助。

  49. Much of the variation in marital stability across income classes can be explained by the variation in costs of dissolution imposed by society, such as division of property, and child support.

  【译文】 在不同收入的阶层中,婚姻的稳定与否,在很大程度上取决于在某个社会中离异所导致的代价的高低,如财产的分配、子女的抚养问题。

  50. To the extent that welfare is a form of governmentsubsidized AFDC payments, it reduces the costs of separation and guarantees a minimal standard of living for wife a

  nd children.

  【译文】 由于补助金是政府补助的一种“救助有受抚养子女的家庭”的津贴,它起到了降低离异代价、保障妻子和子女最低生活水平的作用。

  51. So welfare opportunities are a significant determinant of family instability in poor neighborhoods, but this is not the result of AFDC regulations that exclude most intact families from coverage.

  【译文】 因此,获得福利补贴的机会,在贫穷阶层的人中是导致家庭破裂的一个重要决定因素,但是,这不是“救助有受抚养子女的家庭”政策所导致的,何况多数完好家庭也不属于补助范围。

  52. Rather, welfarerelated instability occurs because public assistance lowers both the benefits of marriage and the costs of its breach by providing a system of governmentsubsidized payments.

  【译文】 相反,由福利制度导致的家庭破裂之所以发生,是因为公共救助计划提供了一种政府补助体制,它不仅减少了婚姻的利益,而且降低了破裂的代价。

  53. The warning signs can be difficult enough to recognize; but the problem of identifying major depression in teens is further complicated by the fact that even these ambiguous signs are not always present.

  【译文】 警告信号可能很难辨认,但是,即使这些含糊的信号也不一定总是存在,这一事实使辨认青少年身上所表现出的重大消沉情绪的问题变得更加复杂。

  54. They are using what we know as signs, to communicate with each other about some situation that is present at that moment: gathering the group, alarm, hunting, mating.

  【译文】 他们使用我们称做符号的东西,相互之间在谈论着此时此刻所发生的事情:如集合、警告、猎取、交配等。

  55. Is it possible to imagine something as highly refined and subtle as the cave paintings of 15,000 years ago without language to enable manipulation and transference of ideas?

  【译文】 如果没有语言来构思和传达思想,怎么想像能创作出15 000年前如此精美细致的洞穴绘画呢?

  56. Possession of language is a defining mark of our humanity, and it has been faithfully accompanying us ever since our branch first emerged as a distinct species.

  【译文】 拥有语言是我们人类的一个区别性标志,自我们作为一个特殊的物种存在以来,语言能力一直伴随着我们。

  57. In Prague, when Tomas and Tereza brought a new chair or moved a flower pot, Karenin would look on in displeasure. It disturbed his sense of time. Nonetheless, he soon managed to reestablish the old order and old rituals in the Zurich flat.

  【译文】 在布拉格,当托马斯和特里萨买把新椅子,或移动花盆时,卡列宁会感到很不高兴。这搅乱了他的时间意识。但是,在苏黎世的公寓里,他很快就恢复了过去的秩序和旧礼节。

  58. In periods of despair, she would remind herself she had to hold on because of him, because he was weaker than she, weaker perhaps even than Dubcek and their abandoned homeland.

  【译文】 在绝望时刻,她总是提醒自己要为他而坚持下去,因为他比她更脆弱,甚至也许比杜布切克和他们离开的祖国还要脆弱。

  59. When she said that Tomas wasn’t there and she didn’t know when he’d be back, the woman on the other end of the line started laughing and, without saying good-bye, hung up.

  【译文】 当她说托马斯不在,不知道什么时候能回来时,电话另一端的那个女人大笑了起来,没说再见就挂断了电话。

  60. It was then that she realized she had lost the last bit of strength she had had at home; she was absolutely incapable of tolerating this absolutely insignificant incident.

  【译文】 恰恰在那时,她意识到自己在家时曾拥有的力量已经消失殆尽;她根本无法忍受这件鸡毛蒜皮的小事。

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