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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/04/07 16:09  新浪教育




  Today, as technology develops exponentially and international exchanges become more frequent, quality communication is essential. Proficiency in the English language is increasingly in demand.

  Our mission at New Channel is to provide our students and readers with services that act as a guide as they navigate through the labyrinth of English study. We want the services and experiences that we provide to make language-learning fun again, and help our students achieve their goals.

  New Channel is composed of a daring and innovative team of professionals from China and abroad who care deeply about education. We strive to be motivating, passionate, open and joyful. We're here to listen to the needs of our students and support their efforts to learn English.

  As defined by The Contemporary Chinese Dictionary , "hangdao (channel)" means "a safe passage for ships and aircraft". New Channel strives to live up to its name and help us all reach the shores of success, creating a world where people of varying cultures can communicate effectively and develop clearer understandings of one another.

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